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Karen’s Secondary School

Std-8 Ch-1 Excite Date-19/06/2021
Solution of Assignment:- 6(1.4)

A. Choose the correct option:-

1. AI systems are capable of
a. partially understanding human speech
b. fully understanding human speech
c. understanding only leaders speech
d. understanding only animal speech
2. Which technology is used to recognise handwriting?
a. Vision systems
b. NLP based system
c. Expert systems
d. none of these
3. Which task cannot be performed by AI systems?
a. Partially self-driving cars
b. partially predicting Human behaviour
c. surfing the Internet
d. none of these
4. Which game can AI system play easily?
a. Chess
b. tic-tac-toe
c. poker
d. All of these.
5. How does AI read the input given by user like handwriting?
a. By converting in Computer readable format
b. By converting in human readable format
c. By scanning it
d. None of these
B. State True/False
1. AI system can fully recognize human face. False
2. AI system can learn natural language on their own. False
3. AI system can surf internet at their own. False
4. AI system can speak all natural languages. False

C. Answer the following:-

1. Write down any three limitations of AI.
Ans. Three limitations of AI are:-
 Cannot understand natural language
 Cannot surf internet
 Cannot interpret visuals

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