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What makes this moment in

time feel like a cocoon?

2. In what ways do you hope to grow and transform during this time? Why might this
transformation feel challenging?

3. What do you hope to grow towards?

4. What or who can support you in this growth?

”We delight in the beauty of a butterfly, but rarely acknowledge the changes it has gone through
to get there.” – Maya Angelou

5. WHAT NEW RHYTHMS MIGHT WE FIND? What is your relationship to time? Do you generally
feel like you have more than enough time, not enough time, or just the right amount of time for
the things that are important to you?

6. How do you balance your time between things you need to do vs. things you want to do? Is
there any way you could improve this balance?

7. What is one thing you’d like to spend more time on + how could you spend more time with it?

8. Has your relation to time changed this year? Have you learned anything about what life rhythm
best supports your health + happiness? How might you bring this learning into your next chapter?

Time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters.” – Margaret Peters

patterns might you like to change (in friendships, school/work, love, health, etc.)?

10. There are 4 stages to changing old patterns: not noticing, noticing/reflecting, actively changing
+ keeping it up. What stage do you think you are in + what could help you get to the next one?

11. Why do you think you have repeated these habits or patterns before?

12. What new habits or patterns could you envision for the future that would better support your
health + happiness?

“The habits you created to survive will no longer serve you when it’s time to thrive. Get out of
survival mode. New habits, new life.” -Ebonee Davis

our inner ability to persevere in the face of difficult situations. This resilience protects us when we
feel overwhelmed, exhausted or hopeless. Like our muscles, it grows with training and practice. All
you have to do is practice doing the things that bring you joy, peace and strength of spirit. The
more you practice them, the more resilient you become. * In what ways is your mind like a
garden? What thoughts, like flowers, do you want to cultivate?

14. What brings you joy, peace and strength of spirit?

15. How can you practice doing more of this (on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis)?
16. How do you hope to grow and strengthen your resilience through this practice?

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.” – Helen Keller *For
more information on Resilience Building Practices, see Supplement I on p. 5


1. Due to the pandemic it taught us to realize that we had a lot of shortcomings and that we
lived to improve these shortcomings were that we hardly shared as a family that we
preferred to go out to spend time with many people who did not care and to distract
ourselves in many things then that confinement It led us to be a little more united as a
family by sharing with them and now that they give us the opportunity to go out, most
people take that time to be more in united families and having a greater attachment to
the people who love us.
2. Well, I hope to grow up being a responsible, respectful person with good values and
principles, since that was taught to me in my house, I would like to be a great professional
in order to set an example for future generations, having a better world full of peace,
tranquility and love. This transformation could be challenging as the world around us
today is a bit damaged and I would like to change that and show young people like me
how we can get ahead and live a dignified life.
3. I hope to grow to be a better person, to be more loving and to try to understand others
and not judge them.
4. First of all God since he is one of the most important people for me and he is the only one
who can solve our problems and concerns second my parents since they have been of
great support to me during all this time and third my family in general since they will
always want the best for me.
5. I feel that time can be our great ally or our greatest enemy since it is related to our
perception which is influenced by variables such as age, sex, culture, beliefs, habits, even
with the state of mind, so five minutes does not go to have the same meaning space in
time for all our thoughts my relationship with time is not good because I feel that I am
flying away and I can not finish everything I want to finish in one day. To be honest I don't
have enough time because I have a lot to do and I am easily distracted so she left most of
the things for last thinking that I have time and time is running out fast
6. How I am easily distracted I prefer to do the things that I have to do necessary, first as I
work at the university and study and if I have time I finish doing the things I want to do
between those things, sleep, watch television and watch the cell phone. The best way to
improve this balance is by paying attention to the most important things and doing them
right away and not letting my time take up.
7. The most important thing that I would like to dedicate time to studying since this is going
to give me a lot of knowledge to apply it in the future, I could spend more time putting
aside material things such as the cell phone and going out less with friends.
8. The time of the pandemic helped me to reflect on many things among those to improve
my time this year I decided to pay attention to what I need most and what helps me for
my future so I decided to put study and my university first. I have learned to change my
rhythm of life by exercising, not lying on a bed and not sleeping too much, I focus on
studying and being the best every day. This learning I have always kept in mind that it is
the most important thing and what are the things that take time away from you, so I
always focus on those important things And thus put it into practice day by day
9. The patterns that I would like to change would be leaving sleep behind laziness and and
distancing all those people who take time away from us and who do not contribute
anything to our life, also improving my lifestyle in order to have better health.
10. I feel that I have already gone through many of the stages between her. I did not realize
many things that happened to me day by day, I also know what I realized and reflections
of many of them, but today I feel that I am in the stage to change. What could help me
move on to the next stage is by having a clear mind and showing myself that I can keep all
that I have fought for.
11. I have repeated them because I am a good person and I feel that we all deserve a second
chance And sometimes I do not see and I do not realize how harmful it can be for me And
as much as I get involved in thinking that it is not.
12. These new patterns would be being a responsible woman leaving behind all those things
that cloud my vision to move forward, I would like to start maintaining my health by
exercising And having a balanced diet, I would also like to learn to forgive since sometimes
I am very spiteful and give myself more time for myself to be able to think and reflect on
everything I want for my life And fight for that.
13. My mind looks like a garden since I see everything as rosy. We are the sowers, our
thoughts are the seeds and our emotions are the water that makes them grow;
consequently we have the ability to create our reality with our thoughts, words and
actions and this will depend on what we cultivate in our mind. I would like to grow many
many flowers since they are very beautiful, they bring an elegance, their colors and shape
evokes feelings and emotions that range from love to joy and gratitude. Sometimes when
we want to express to another person what we feel, we believe or think either love,
gratitude or joy, using flowers to communicate it.
14. Those things that bring me joy, peace and strength, first is trust in God and in His desire to
provide help when we need it, no matter how difficult the circumstances, Second, have
patience and understanding when God allows us to go through difficulties in order to let's
progress, third being with my family and fourth helping others and putting myself in their
15. It works for me practicing daily since that way I have a clear mind and I know to focus on it
day by day.
16. I hope to grow up facing problems day by day, Being optimistic, fighting for what I want
And not stopping until I get it.

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