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Nama : Ni Komang Ratna Arisanti

NIM : 211277

Semester : 1

Tugas Biokimia !

The Role of Vitamins and Minerals in Energy Metabolism and Well-being

There is a large body of evidence for physiological signals for the fundamental role of vitamins and
minerals in energy metabolism. In particular, the B complex vitamins are essential for function and a
deficiency of one of these mitochondrial vitamins can compromise the entire series of reactions
required to convert food into physiological energy. It is also clear that some minerals. and trace
elements are essential for energy generation, although further research is needed to elucidate their
exact role.

Insufficient intake of micronutrients, or increased demand, impairs health and increases susceptibility to
infection, but can also lead to fatigue, lack of energy, and poor concentration. In addition to generally
accepted risk groups such as the elderly, an important group at risk for micronutrient deficiencies -
particularly B vitamins - are adults to middle age. These are often women with a lifestyle that demands
physical activity and whose diet may be characterized by poor and/or regular choices for weight loss.

Because of the importance of micronutrients for energy metabolism and the risk of inadequate
micronutrient status in healthy individuals, multivitamin-mineral supplementation is recommended for
patients who do not have energy deficiency and excluded disease.

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