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Name: Anzalin Nabila Balqis

Nim: C.0105.20.039

S1 Nursing

Class: B (2/3)

English 2

I will to describe about drug

The name of the drug, namely rhinos is a drug that contains Pseudoephedrine HCl and
Loratadine in the form of slow-release capsules. Its function is to relieve symptoms of
sneezing, nasal congestion, and itching in the nasal area. This medicine is for allergic rhinitis
of the nose. How to use the drug by inserting it by mouth because the drug is in the form of
a capsule. The indications and contraindications of rhinos drugs are relief of symptoms
associated with allergic rhinitis eg sneezing, nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, pruritus &
lacrimation. The use of drugs generally has certain side effects and according to each
individual. If there are excessive and dangerous side effects, please consult a medical
professional. Side effects that may occur in the use of the drug are: GI disturbances,
palpitations, tachycardia & extrasystoles.

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