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Nama : Muhammad Fajrul Faiz

NIM : 20190120072
Mata Kuliah : Metode Penelitian dan Teknik Presentasi

Yang termasuk penelitian Kuantitatif :

1. Capital Inflows and Industrial Performance in Nigeria: Including the Excluded.
2. Identifying Glucose Levels in Human Urine via Red Green Blue Color Compositions Analysis.
3. Klasifikasi Cacat Lintasan Dalam Bantalan Bola Berbasis Support Vector Machine (SVM) pada
Fan Industri.
4. Using Android to Set Fan Spin.
5. Pengaruh Komposisi Biodisel Jagung Terhadap Sifat-Sifat Campuran Biodisel Jatropha-
Yang termasuk penelitian Kualitatif :
1. A Common Threat Analysis of Intergovernmental Policy Convergence in the Framework of
Regional Integration: A Case Study of the ASEAN Strategic Partnership “Our Eyes”.
2. Determinants of Intellectual Capital Disclosure in Non-Vocational Higher Education in
3. The Diplomacy of Quasi-State in the Territorial Disputes: Taiwan in the South China Sea.
4. The Role of Budgetary Participation and Environmental Uncertainty in Influencing Managerial
Performance of Village Government.
5. Venezuelan Government Disclaimer toward Humanitarian Assistance of International

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