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An internship is a period of work experience offered by an organization for a limited period

of time. Internships can help you figure out what you want to do with your career and then make
it easier to land your first full-time job in that industry. It offers the employer the opportunity to
bring new ideas and energy into the work place, develop talent and potentially build a pipeline
for future full-time employers. A quality intership:1.Provides a clear job description for the work
experience;2.Orients the student to the organization, its culture and proposed work
assignment;3.Helps the student develop and achieve learning goals;4.Offers regular feedback to
the student intern.
Many of the challenges you will face in the workplace are associated with addressing issues
appropriately. One problem for internship that interns face would be unpaid work. You get little
to no feedback. Regular evaluations are vital for all employees, but especially for inters and
entry-level candidates. Employees need to know if they are doing a good job or if something
needs to change.
In the Republic of Moldova we also have internships such as Tucano which offers us a great
start to career or a great way to strengthen your experience and make yourself known, and
promotion. Technical University offers us a number of internships at different companies such as
Mămuca,Franzeluța as head of department or chef, but we also have a wide choice in cafes.
I would participate in a TV culinary contest to highlight my talent and observe an industry.
In conclusion this is a good opportunity to stand out among the food industry to look like a
good worker and to be a permanent employee of a company.

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