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Calluses are areas of skin that have thickened and become hard due to repeated friction,
irritation, or any other external pressure. ... Therefore, at a foot spa, scrubbing off the
calluses is done by using keratolytic agents like salicylic acid which is usually done with
a pumice stone or a callus shaver
B. It is recommended that we do not keep janitor fish and goldfish together in the same tank.
This is due to the fact that janitor fishes are usually tropical in nature. Also, mixing cold
water fish like goldfish with tropical water fish is not a good idea (Janitor). Both of them
also excrete a lot.
C. The orchids and the tree have this relationship called commensalism by which the orchids
benefit from the tree and the tree is neither harmed nor benefited. Commensalism is a
type if symbiotic relationship where one of the species benefits while one neither gets
harmed or benefited. The orchid benefits from the trees canopy and at the same time gets
protection from it being away from ground organisms which can possibly eat it.
D. The acidity of denatured vinegar preserves the food. These pickles are flavored with salt,
sugar, and spices. Until they're opened, these types of pickles sit on supermarket shelves
that aren't refrigerated. Lactic acid fermentation is responsible for the preservation
characteristics of salt-based pickles.
E. Gargling with warm salt water can help soothe a scratchy throat. The salt pulls the mucus
out of your swollen, inflamed tissue and helps relieve the discomfort. The Mayo Clinic
recommends combining 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of table salt with 4 to 8 ounces of warm
water. Stir until the salt dissolves.
F. adding a layer of oil in water in wrigglers may cause the death of wrigglers. Explanation:
Because there will be no oxygen to penetrate the water.
G. During a fever, washing the skin with a wet tower is a well-known home treatment.
During a fever, the excess body heat vaporizes the water on the skin, reducing the
quantity of heat in the body.

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