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Cannabis: yes or no?

In modern society, we often get to the point where we need to discuss whether certain things need to
be changed or remain the same. A very common topic is if cannabis should be legal or not. In some
countries like the Netherlands, people can freely and legally smoke cannabis on daily basis, in some
other countries it is allowed only for medical purposes, while somewhere the use of this plant is
completely forbidden.
It is commonly known that cannabis has intoxicating properties. It can easily make us addicted to it,
curious about other types of drugs, it can also play with our minds and make us see things that we don't
when we are sober. Young people usually get into this world of drugs within the peer pressure and it is
difficult to get out.
Those statements are true if we are pessimistic and if the use of cannabis is not under control. However,
it can help sick people to relieve extreme levels of pain, and it is much better for our system than
different types of painkillers, who can be harmful to our stomach, liver, and other organs. It is also know
that cannabis can even cure cancer.
It is also important to keep in mind that if we forbid something, it will not stop people from doing it, it
can only increase the risk and make the act less safe. We all know what happens if we take away a child’s
phone as a form of punishment, instead of talking to them about the issue. The child will be angry with
us and give their best to find the phone without us knowing. The same effect we get if we make
something illegal, instead of educating people about a certain topic and learning them how to do it
I don’t think that we should make any type of drug completely legal, let people fool around, and sell it in
the stores, but it is also not a good idea to totally forbid it. I agree that we should let pharmacies sell
cannabis only to people who really need it to relieve pain. I don’t see why totally banning a plant, that
can help some people deal with their sickness.

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