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Carrie: the difference between the book and the movie

The story
Carrie is the story about a sixteen-year-old girl who had a horrible life at school and home.
Carrie has a mother who is a believer, but it is a fanatic believer who praise the Old
Testament so for her almost everything is a sin, so Carrie’s mother always forces her to
pray for the sins that both did.
On the other hand, Carrie suffers the bullying and humiliation of her classmates and every
student at school because she is described as a girl who has a bad acne problem along with
having problems with her weight and because of this she was very ugly to a lot of the
The bullying was something that happens every day but the straw that broke the camel’s
back was the day that Carrie had her first period at the shower of her school because she
never knew about this and ask for help but her classmates just laugh, and her gymnastic
teacher was the only one who help her about her period and help her through the entire
school period.
Also, Sue Snell, one of the students who laugh about Carrie, felt remorse about what
happen and asks to her boyfriend Tommy to invite Carrie to the final dance of the school,
dance that Carrie suffer the last prank of Chris Hargensen who throw her pig’s blood and
Carrie kills everyone because of her telekinesis power.
The difference between the book and the movie
In the book, Stephen King describes very well about Carrie’s life. For example, he
describes that the Carrie’s parents were a fanatic believer so, once they got married, they
have the sin of having bad thoughts of making love and where Carrie born nine months
later. Also, King describes very well about the remorse that Sue Snell, one of the girls who
bullied Carrie, felt and how she treated Carrie after the bullying and also describes very
well about how Carrie behaves with Sue once Carrie began to destroy the school and the
town with telekinesis.
In the 1976 movie, the director Brian de Palma along with Sissy Spacek who played Carrie
did a great job to portray the vulnerability of Carrie. Also, Piper Laurie did an amazing job
to act as the mother of Carrie but in the movie, there is a lot of important things that didn’t
show and/or change from the book. So, this is something that disappoint a little bit because
it is an amazing movie, but the book is way better than the movie.
Name: Amanda López

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