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So here we are at hitty’s tutorials. For making hair styles you should
have basic knowledge about using o-edit and vertex moving. For the
basic tutorials go to tutorials thread in Cricket 2005 downloads
forum. Hair style tutorial cannot be expressed very correctly but I
have tried to do this. If you don’t understand any part of this tutorial
just post in the thread or pm me.

Tools required:
· O-edit
· Face texture bmp file
· Hair texture bmp file


1. Open a o.model having a hair part. Open the face you want to have a
hairstyle. Load the texture correctly in all three parts. (You will need face
texture and hair texture bmp files).
2. Deselect the third part which is generally hair o model . Now in Front view
Press cntrl+W to zoom it. Now let us correct gul’s chin shape. Click on
select in action section and select the Chin’s vertex from the front view o
model. Note that the model in Front View, in inverted that of the
perspective view model. If you want to edit right chin select the left vertex
from front view. Now click on MOVE and using arrow drag the vertex to
right very-very slowly. Do the same for correcting Left chin. Your
3. Now select all the parts. Let us come to the hair style part. For hairstyle
shaping click only on the third part. Zoom the side view model.
4. Now let us shape the side hairs. Select the vertex from side view and drag
it little bit upwards. Now let us correct that spike on hairs. To do this just
select the spike part from Front view as shown below. Now move the
vertex little bit down. Do the vertex moving until you get a leveled hair
5. Now move the vertex little bit down. Do the vertex moving until you get a
leveled hair.
6. Now by same method give a cool shape to the side hairs by selecting side
hair’s vertexes.
7. Now we will edit back side hairs. Let us shorten the hairs from the back
8. Just select the last vertexes from the front view and drag it upwards. You
should get the shape like the below one.
9. As we edited the side, back and front hairs the back hairs are un-leveled.
So we will correct it. To correct it just select the vertex of the un-leveled
hair part as in the image below there are some extra spikes. So we have
selected the vertex. Now drag to opposite direction where the side you
are editing. You should get a leveled hairs like the below image one.
10. Just like this level the hairs from all the sides to get a good hair style.
11. In the end just save the o.model file for your use.
12.See the difference after editing the o.model with the original.
I made this hair style in 2 minutes as I was not having time so it is not good
as I can make. Example see my Ishi’s face ;).
Just practice this and you will get it better than me. GOOD LUCK!

Chapter 2 – Preview
Chapter 2 will contain a tutorial on how to Edit a o model when the face
looks weird like sunken eyes ;) etc. The chapter will be about UV Mapping,
face shape etc.

This tutorial is only written for Please don’t post this
anywhere else. © hitterman 2008.

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