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My stand in the legalization of Divorce in the Philippines is that it should be

approved, falling into wrong decision actually happens. As people in failed

marriages will be given the opportunity and freedom to choose the right one for
them if divorce is made legal in our country, and they will no longer have to suffer
as a result of a marriage that is no longer working.

The advantages would to the Filipino Families if the legalization of Divorce in the
Philippines will be approved is that it will make it easier for separated or
irreconcilable couples while the disadvantages would be if a child is involved and
witnesses their parents' divorce, they may have higher rates of depression, lower
self-esteem, and emotional distress. Divorce hurts and may cost you money.

The ways to prevent and protect a relationship/marriage from divorce would be

an Open and honest communication which is crucial for a good marriage. Being
attentive in conversation will help you understand what makes them unhappy
and give you a chance to take action. Don't expect everything to be done your
way. Marriage is a partnership in which both parties work together. Neither of
you will always get your way. If you and your partner have opposing goals and
ideas, whether about where to live or where to eat, listen to each other out.

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