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Short Story Marking Rubrics

1. Task response: (25 points)

1.1. Format - title page, times new roman 12 pt
1.2. Plot summary in the 3 line style (this should precede the actual story text)
1.2.1. 1 major character, 1 helping supporting, 1 hindering supporting
1.2.2. Clear statement of major character problem
1.2.3. Clear statement of time limit/immediacy, why it is compelling and the
consequences of not solving the problem within the given time limit
1.2.4. Major character trait and how it is part of the problem
1.2.5. Setting description; setting should influence the story
1.2.6. Avoidance of soap opera style problems
1.3. Identifiable crisis
1.4. Identifiable climax
1.5. Dialog
1.5.1. Natural sounding
1.5.2. Avoidance of ' "...", he said ' (who is talking?) simplistic dialog style.
1.5.3. New paragraph for each speaker
1.6. Short paragraphs
1.7. Word count 1000 per student; minimum 2000
1.8. Appropriate tenses
1.9. Creativity - bonus points for theme and gimmick-symbol
1.10. Deadline - June 29

2. Coherence and cohesion: (25 points)

2.1. Logically sequenced (coherence)
2.2. Appropriately organized (coherence)
2.3. Easy to follow and understand (coherence)
2.4. Connecting ideas (cohesion)

3. Lexical resource: (25 points)

3.1. Collocation
3.2. Precise and accurate vocabulary
3.3. Knowledge of synonyms
3.4. Spelling

4. Grammatical range and accuracy:(25 points)

4.1. Verb tense
4.2. Articles and uncountable nouns
4.3. Punctuation
4.4. Complex and complete sentences (outside of dialog)

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