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9º Ano

1. Put in a or an
a) This morning I bought _____ book and ____ magazine.
an / an
an / a
a / an

b) I saw _____ accident this morning.


c) There are two cars parked outside: _____ blue one and _____ grey one.
an / an
an / a
a / an

d) My friends live in old house in _____ small village. There is _____ beautiful garden behind
the house.
an / an
an / a
a / an

2. Use the words in the list to complete the sentences

Animal Country Sport

City Language Food

a) A bull is
b) Encanto is
c) Spanish is
d) A rabbit is
e) Chicago is
f) Japan is
g) Soccer is
h) Cuba is

3. Answer with True or False about the usage of the articles a/an
a) We only use a/an for singular nouns
I. False
II. True

b) An is used in front of words that begin with a, e, i and o.

I. False
II. True

c) A and An have the same meaning

I. False
II. True

d) A frequently comes in front of plural nouns

I. False
II. True

4. Mark the sentences with correct use of a/an.

I. Sentence 1
a) Kaiky is a guitar player
b) Kaiky is an guitar player

II. Sentence 2
a) Pedro Heitor is a rich boy.
b) Pedro Heitor is an rich boy.

III. Sentence 3
a) Valter is a smart boy
b) Valter is an smart boy

IV. Sentence 4
a) Maria Luiza is an inteligent girl
b) Maria Luiza is a inteligent girl

5. Change the singular to plural

a) A dictionary is a book
b) Encanto is a city. Pau dos Ferros is a city.
c) A chicken is an animal. A rabbit is an animal.
d) An ant is an insect. A bee is an insect.

6. Write four sentences using A and An.

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