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Make sentences with the words given below.

a. littering - He's always littering up the room with his old comics collection.

b. over-flowing – His confidence is over-flowing as he got praises by his lecturer in front of

the crowds.

c. civic-mindedness - There is a limit to his civic-mindedness, though.

d. selfish – The boys are selfish as they do not want to share their toys.

e. thoughtless - It was thoughtless of you to forget your sister's birthday.

f. scourage -  The cruel captain used a scourge on his disobedient sailor.

g. habit - He got into the habit of smoking in his youth.

h. strewn - The house was filthy, with clothes and newspapers strewn everywhere.

i. discarded - He discarded an old hat and an old pair of shoes

j. abuse - You can't abuse your power.

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