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Database Management System (DBMS) Lab Assignment 01

1. Create a table "Student" with following structure:

Roll Name Age Course Math Physics Computer

Details of attributes:

Roll Integer
Name Varchar(30)
Age Integer
Course Varchar(10)
Math Float(4,4)
Physics Float(4,4)
Computer Float(4,4)

2. Create table "MCA" from “Student” table with the same fields. Rename course with department and
“Name” with “StudentName”.

3. Insert following records into the Student table:

 1001,Rahul,22,BTech,74,79,85
 1002,Gautam,24,MCA,78,69,75
 1003,Roshan,25,MTech,84,65,95
 1004,Abhishek,24,MBA,64,81,75
 1005,Vishesh,23,BTech,54,79,85
 1006,Suraj,24,MCA,74,65,88
 1007,Naveen,26,MBA,64,77,83
 1008,Anupam,21,BCA,84,69,85
 1006,Sandeep,23,MCA,76,75,89

4. Show the Student Table.

5. Find out the details of the student with Roll number 1002 from Student.

6. Select those records from Student table whose marks in Computer are less than 85 and marks in Math
are greater than 60.

7. Select those records from Student table whose marks in Physics are less than 75 or marks in Math are
greater than 75.

8. Show the roll, name, and marks in Math, Physics and Computer for all students from Student table.

9. Display all the student details belonging to the MCA department in Student table.

10. Insert data in the MCA table from Student table where course is MCA.

11. Display the structure of Student and MCA tables.

12. Display all the details of each student in Student table with Course appearing first in display list.

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