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Module 6: Working with sexual energies (Books and You-tubes)

David Schnarch

- Secrets of a Passionate Marriage: How to Increase Sexual Pleasure and Emotional Fulfillment in
Committed Relationships
- Intimacy & Desire: Awaken the Passion in Your Relationship
- Resurrecting Sex: Solving Sexual Problems and Revolutionizing Your Relationship

K. Trobe/ A. Trobe

- Face to Face with Fear: Transforming Fear into Love

- When Sex Becomes Intimate: How Sexuality Changes as Your Relationship Deepens

Jack L. Rosenberg

- Body, Self, and Soul: Sustaining Integration

- The Intimate Couple: Reaching New Levels of Sexual Excitement Through Body Awakening and
Relationship Renewal

Diana Richardson

- The Heart of Tantric Sex: A Unique Guide to Love and Sexual Fulfillment
- Tantric orgasm for women
- Tantric sex for men (with Michael Richardson)
- Slow sex
- Tantric Love: Feeling vs Emotion: Golden Rules to Make Love Easy (with Michael Richardson)
- The Love Keys: The Art of Ecstatic Sex

Alexander Lowen

- Love, Sex and your heart

Marlock, Weiss, Young, Soth

- The Handbook of Body Psychotherapy and Somatic Psychology


- From sex to superconsciousness

- Tantra (many books)

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