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Let's discuss gender roles and their place in society.

1. Gender attitude to career between men/women in Russia/other countries (cultural aspect,

should women put the career on the first place? общая тема)
 What influences gender attitude towards career?

2. The distribution of responsibilities at home between man/women (who should do more?)

 What situations can lead to a man doing more household chores?

 Is this a widespread phenomenon in our mentality to divide household chores into "female"
and "male"? Or is our society still only moving towards gender equality in matters of
 Does the stereotype of the "woman – is a homemaker and man is a provider" play a role in
today's situation with the distribution of responsibilities at home?
 How has the role of women at home changed?

3. The salary level between men and women in Russia and around the world (should women earn more
to create balance in this level)

 What are the highest paid areas of work today? And how many women work there?
 What is the most common reason women earn less than men on average?

(working together, a woman can go on maternity leave and after returning to stay in the same
position, while a man will go further up the career ladder)

 In the European Union for 2006-2015. gender pay gap decreased from 17.7% to 16.4%.
What is happening in Russia with the gender pay gap today?

(In recent years, Russia has seen a reduction in the gender gap in wages of workers in favor of
men: from 39.3% in 2005 to 27.4% in 2015 year.)

 The only EU country in which the size of the gender pay gap increased steadily and
significantly in 2006-2015 was Portugal, and the indicator increased there from 8.4% to
What it can be connected with?

(This dynamic of the gap in Portugal depends on the fact that women's entry into the labor
market has increased over the past decade, but their career choices are often linked to traditional
values of care and training, which are poorly paid in the country. In addition, in Portugal, women
are highly involved in unpaid family work, caring for close relatives, and parenting.)
4. The distribution of responsibilities in children’s upbringing between man/women in Russia/other
countries (should men spend more time on it? does the situation in Russia leads к воспитанию
достойных людей?? кто даёт ребёнку раннее воспитание)

 In which countries are men more likely to go on maternity leave? Why do you think only 2
percent of men in Russia use this opportunity? What usually stops them?

(Sweden became the first country to allow both parents to go on maternity leave in 1974. This is now
allowed in Norway, Iceland, Germany and Finland. )

(According to the SuperJob survey, 39% of Russian men do not exclude the possibility of taking parental
leave to which they have every right, but in practice, no more than 2% use this opportunity - mainly
because they earn more than their wife or partner. Many fathers are stopped by ignorance about the
very possibility of taking such a vacation, gender prejudices (“they will laugh at me”), a certain gender
contract in society (“a man is a breadwinner”) and fears associated with a weakening of professional

 How do you think it can affect a child when he or she is raised by the parents of only one
gender? Can is be the same as the situations when a child is raised by mom and
 How important it may be for children to see the woman and men pattern? Does this pattern
help children in future? In what ways?

5. The freedom of self-expression between men/women in Russia/other countries and its importance
(can men do the same as women, например красить ногти?? and is there such need in this.)

 When did women first start wearing trousers? What purpose did they do that for?
 Why self-expression among both genders is so important and why this topic is worthy of public
discussion? Is there such need in this? What can this lead to
 Is it important to preserve classic gender attributes? for example a dress for women.

6. The importance of feminism to achieve the balance between gender roles. (is feminism needed in
Russia? can other countries be a great example of it?)

 What is modern feminism fighting for?

 Is it possible in the future that women will have more rights than men?
 Currently, there are many gender stereotypes. Do these stereotypes infringe on men?
 Why do you think, in our days, feminism has not yet succeeded in completely removing
patriarchy and its consequences? What is the obstacle?
 If equal rights are achieved, how might this affect gender roles?

7. Women in military system (should women be more widely admitted to military service?) (должна ли
у женщин быть обязательная служба в России? а как ситуация обстоит в других странах?)

 When it comes to men, the military sphere infringes upon the interests of men, making military
service compulsory?
 Do you think women are capable of forming a strong army? If so, how is a woman able to defeat
a man if he is physically stronger?

9. The problem of binary system. Should be there generally accepted more than 2 genders? (situation in
Russia/USA and other countries)

Lets discuss the problem of gender binary system (1). Should there be generally accepted more
than 2 genders?
 How many genders are there today?
 Is it possible in modern Russian society to accept more than 2 genders? and why?
 Imagine a situation where a person identifies himself as “they / them”. Are the people
around obligated to refer to him in this way? How do you think, is it possible that there
could appear a law the same as the law that prohibits offending the feelings of
 What can be the positive aspects of keeping only two genders as the main ones? (For
example, the maturation of values that have been built over many years

10. Gender self-determination: biology or myth? (can a person influence his gender? what forms his
understanding of it? Or this is something that is formed by the society? как гендерные роли

 At what age does a person understand what gender he considers himself to be?
 Is there any limit to how many times a person can change their gender in a lifetime?
 What influences human self-determination the most?
 What can influence the desire to change gender?

11. Cultural influence in Russia/other countries (should we ignore sometimes this formed reality? what
can happen if we do?)

 Which cultures are tolerant of non-standard genders?

 How does culture influence the formation of gender standards?
 Is it possible for the culture of our country to accept the diversity of genders and
their roles?

12. gender and religion (did it influence the nowadays situation positively? the appearance of
stereotypes, how the woman is represented in religion? the position of non-binary people on the

 Officially, religions such as Christianity, Islam, and Judaism reject transsexuality - a

phenomenon in which gender does not match a person's sex. However, for example
the Bible says that God is merciful. Does this mean that the Christian church can
accept transsexualism?
 Is a restructuring of religion possible in the future and is it possible to achieve full
gender acceptance in religion?

13. Can woman become a good president?/can women be selected as the presidents

 According to the statistics, how do Russians view women in politics?

 Can a woman be a good leader of a country?
 What examples of women presidents do you know?
 US researchers have found that women are better at coping with stress due to the
female hormone estrogen. How do you think would it also help a woman in such a
responsible job?
 What is currently an obstacle for a woman to become president in our country?

14. the lack of men in educational sphere (why are there more women working as school/kindergarten
teachers, the statistics, ways to change the situation)

 As you said, in Russia most of the clerks are women. However, according to
statistics, the more women work in a certain area, the less paid this area. What
do you think is the reason?
 Do you think gender stereotypes have a positive or negative effect on statistics?
 Why is there such a large gender gap in the teaching profession in our country?
 How can we change the situation and create gender balance in this profession?
 How can teachers influence the gender attitudes of their students?
 What could be added to the most of school to affect positively the people’s
views on gender?
15. gender roles in medical sphere (the lack of women working as the doctors и как обратный аргумент
- the lack of men working as the nurses, statistics, объяснение, почему именно так все обстоит и
должно ли это подменяться )

 There are a number of medical specialties in which female patients will prefer doctors of the
same sex and of the same gender. Is this an example of gender discrimination?
 American scientists have found that patients treated by female doctors die less often after a
heart attack. This is because female doctors are more likely to notice atypical symptoms.
Do you think these statistics can characterize women as more responsible doctors?

1.Никто не взял!!!
2. Амина Картоева
3. Аня Глинкина
4. Дарья
5. Ира Токтарова
6. Фатима Эшонкулова
7. Вика Кошкина
8. - нет этой темы!))))))
9. Оля Абкарян
10. Лера Миронова
11. Влад Калугин
12. Сюзанна Варданян
13. Дария Чижевская
14. Эмма Керимова
15. Маша Калинина

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