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Part 1: Work with a partner and prepare an interview for

your future selves considering the following topics:

- Ocaña Neciosup Arnold Jampier
- Mego Saavedra Fiorela Liliana

I. Personal information:
1. What’s your name?
- My name is Arnold
2. What old are you?
-I am 24 years old.
3. When were your born and Where?
-I was born in 1997 in Chiclayo
4. What’s your job?
-I have a construction company, I am the general manager.
5. How many member in your family?
-In my family there are 5 members.
6. ¿What is your favorite color?
-My favorite color is blue
7. Where do you live?
-I live in Arequipa
8. Do you have a pet?
-Yes, I do. I have a parrot, his name is Sergio
9. What is your favorite sport?
-My favorite sport is football.
10. What music do you like?
-I like the salsa music.

II. Important events or moments in his/her life.

1. What do you remember from your youth?
-I liked to play soccer with my friends
2. What has been the best work experience you have had?
-I worked for a company that budgeted for huge construction sites
3. What places did you travel to?
-I traveled to Colombia, Brazil, Canada and Thailand.
4. With which people did you reconnect?
-I met again with my colleagues from the engineering career
5. At what age did you get married?
-I got married at 28.

III. Current activities in his personal and professional life and

leisure time.
1. What do you like to do in your free time?
-I like to watch music videos and learn the lyrics of the songs.
2. What was your last professional experience?
-My last work experience was leading a building construction project

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