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Much , Many, A lot of

Quantifiers - Much / Many / A Lot of

Quantifiers are words that show how
much there is of something - they show
quantity. Much, many, and a lot of
indicate a large quantity of something

for example
“I have a lot of milk ”
“ I have a large quantity of milk ”
Much uncountable nouns

negative statements
and questions

For example: I don't have much money.

How much sugar is there in bottle?

Do you have much time?

Many Plural countable nouns

negative statements
and questions
For example:
I don't have many apples.
How many friends do you have ?
Many students come here in summer.
A lot of countable nouns

For example:

I have a lot of friends.

I have a lot of money.
Use much, many, a lot of.

1. We have a lot of oranges.

2. We don’t have many bananas , and
we don’t have much fruit juice.
3. Do you have any cereal?
Sure , there is a lot of in the kitchen.
4. How much in this ?
It is ten dollars.
5. How many do you want ?
Six , please.
6. He is very busy, he has a lot of work.
7. David has a lot of rice , but Tyler
doesn’t have much .
8. London has a lot of beautiful buildings.
9. They eat a lot of apples.
10. She has got a lot of books on the shelf.
Put these words in correct order.
1. lot / of / apples / a / they / eat
They eat a lot of apples.
2. much / rice / how / want / do / you ?
How much rice do you want?
3. many / sandwiches / want / you / do / how ?
How many sandwiches do you want ?
4. pizza / a / lot / people / of / like
A lot of people like pizza.
5. you / have / much / don’t / time
You don’t have much time.
6. a /clothes / lot / of / nice / has / she
She has a lot of nice clothes.
7. John / a lot / of / things / has / his / bag / in
John has a lot of things in his bag.
8. tea / much / don’t / I / drink
I don’t drink much tea.
9. much / homework / how / do / have / you?
How much homework do you have?
10. sleep / babies / lot / a
Babies sleep a lot.
11. writes / a lot / letters / of / Lisa
Lisa writes a lot of letters.

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