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SMART Goals Assignment

Thomas Charles Roland

Department of Natural Sciences, California State University, San Bernardino

HSCI 6260

Professor Mshigeni

February 11, 2021

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Objective: Rates of HIV and STD transmission are currently increasing among youth and college

aged individuals in the city of San Bernardino. In response, we will develop an evidence-based

intervention that will decrease the rate of HIV and STD transmission among youth and college

aged individuals living in San Bernardino (15-25) within one year of implementation.

Specific: The goal specifically targets youth and college aged individuals at risk for HIV and

STD infection in the city of San Bernardino.

Measurable: The goal is measurable because we can compare the end of the year HIV and STD

incidence after intervention completion to the previous year (before intervention) and observe

either a decrease or increase in rates.

Attainable/Achievable: The goal is both attainable and achievable. It specifically targets an at

risk group, rather than everyone in San Bernardino which isn’t feasible, using an evidence-based

intervention and operates within an achievable amount of time.

Relevant/Realistic: HIV and STD transmission are more frequently affecting youth and college

aged individuals, thus the goal is highly relevant to address the increase and implement an

intervention to reduce incidence.

Time-Based: The goal utilizes a specific time frame of within one year of implementation.
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