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Big movies on a small budget

Most people would say that you need millions of dollars to make a successful movie.Would they
be right? Some of the really expensive Hollywood films are the Oscar-winner Titanic
(1997),which cost $200 million to make,Spider Man 3 (2007) had a budget of more than $250
million.To make a successful film doesn’t mean that you need a lot of money.One example is
Movie Monster (2010) which cost less than half a million dollars to make.It is set in Mexico and it
is the story of two people trying to escape from aliens and get back to the USA.The film won
several awards and got very good reviews from many film critics,which put Monsters at number
3 in it’s list of the best scientific film in 2010.How did they make the film so cheaply ?It took only
3 weeks to film.The man who made the film with digital video,which is cheaper,the film crew was
just 7 people in a vain.They used real location,not a studio.The extras in the film were people
who were there,so the director didn’t need to pay them.Gare Edwards,who made the film did
the most od the production himself,he did it at home on his computer.The final film looked nearly
as professional as big fancy Hollywood film.A lot of people critisised this film,but all together it
was well received,at least it wasn’t expensive to make.

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