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New Moon in Gemini

June 10, 2021

What is made anew, what re-turns when the Moon spends that brief moment, under its own
light, with Gemini Sun? Where the Sun accentuates that mode of thinking that thrives in duality
and separability, which cannot but presuppose and impose unity, the Dark Moon invites a
meditation on thinking itself – but not on content (the what) of thinking but on the manner (the
how) of thinking.

Thinking without duality, communicating and communing (commonning?) without the

presumption of separation are gifts of this iteration of this most intimate moment in the Sun-
Moon cosmic score. They are also precisely the kind of thing one may think is unwise to
consider while in Mercury’s domain. New Moon in Gemini, in the COVID-19 era, invites a
renewing of the intellectual basis for communication and cooperation, that is, it invites a
thinking of and about existence that presumes material (not simply formal or relational)

This s conjunction of Moon, Sun, Mercury Retrograde occurring on the mutable Gemini 1st
House contends with a demand for stability, for structuring, from Saturn beaming from its
comfortable familiar spot (10th house). Thinking itself, that is, the stuff of the element Air, in full
exposition (Sun and Ascendant with its ruler in dignity) is directly challenged twice from far
away by the structuring force of Saturn and from its very core by the communing/commonning
drive of the Moon.

The details about the shifting in thinking exposed by this constellation cannot be specified yet.
For one thing, there is much that is yet to come to the fore -- as suggested by Mercury
Retrograde making its way back to meet the Sun-Moon conjunction. To attach one specific
direction to this re-orientation of thinking would be unwise precisely because this triad, Moon
(Water), Sun (Fire), and Retrograde Mercury (Air) is spotted as such from here on Earth (Earth).
It is, in fact, a quartet. As such, it is a cosmic presentation of complexity and implicancy, one
which resonates thinking that is at once returned (Mercury Retrograde in Gemini) and anew
(New Moon in Gemini) both on the First House, the one which is about how something appears,
how something comes into spatiotemporal existence.

What does it all mean? Well, if it during this Mercury Retrograde it feels like your attention is
caught by rethinking what is meant by relation, protection, and collaboration, well, trust it.

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