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Código: AC-FR


Página 1 de 2

Elige la opción correcta para completar la oración.

1. Tomorrow my cousin _______ run 5 miles.

a. will
b. going to
c. will to
d. is going

2. We __________ travel to Australia next year

a. Will to
b. Is going to
c. Are going to
d. Am going to

3. When my mom cooks, I ________ the dishes

a. do
b. will do
c. did
d. done

4. I _________ you know, if they arrive.

a. Will to let
b. Will let
c. Going to let
d. Won’t

5. Bogota is _________ than Cucuta.

a. smaller
b. bigger
c. shorter
d. hotter
Código: AC-FR


Página 2 de 2

6. When I saw him, I thought he was the ________ guy in world

a. tallest
b. taller
c. tall
d. Most tall

7. The car ________ work fine now.

a. Might
b. Would
c. Could
d. Should

8. They _________ Go to USA because they do not have Visa.

e. Shouldn’t
f. Can’t
g. Mayn’t
h. Couldn’t

9. When I saw her, I thought she was the most beautiful girl I have _________.

e. See
f. Saw
g. Seen
h. To see

10. Since I met your family, I have wanted to ________ with them.

a. Go at
b. Get along
c. Call for
d. Run over

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