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Syllabus for Algebra II

Instructor: Ralph Davis

B.A. Math Teaching University of Utah
Contact Info: email:
Location and Time: 1st Period (7:30-9:00) Room 123
Textbook: Intermediate Algebra, Larson: Fifth Edition
Prerequisites: Geometry, Algebra I

Goals: According to the Utah Core Curriculum, the primary goal of Algebra II is for
students to conceptualize, analyze and identify relationships among functions.
My Goals for YOUR understanding:
 Solve first degree equations (algebraically)
 Graphing first degree equations (to solve them)
 Graph systems of equations
 Solve systems of equations algebraically
 Introduction to functions
 Quadratic functions
 Complex numbers
 Exponential and Logarithmic functions
 Domain and range of functions
 Introduction to trig functions
 Trig function applications
 Probability
 Introduction to statistics

Course content:
The main source of material for this class will come from the assigned book. The instructor will use his discretion as
to the order of the topics and sections of the book that will be covered.

My expectations of you as a student:

 Be prepared!
 Be on task when you are in class.
 Ask Questions.
 Take time to think before you answer questions.
 Do not deny anyone( including yourself) the opportunity to learn Algebra because of your behavior.
 Be respectful of others.
Materials needed everyday:
1. Your Toolbox for you to store handouts, homework, and to take and store notes.
2. Scratch paper, pen or pencil and an eraser
3. Your textbook

Grading Scale:
Grades will be earned by the students based on their performance on Homeworks, quizzes, Tests, and their behavior
and participation during in-class discussions.
Final grade determination:
Homework: Homework is graded on participation. Homework is practice and is a method for me to assess the
progress of the class.
Quizzes: Quizzes will be given at least every 2 weeks. Quizzes are meant to be a reward for doing homework
correctly and to help the students stay up with the pace of the class.
Tests: There will be tests throughout the semester. In the current academic climate, successful testing is the mark of
accomplishment. In this course, we will focus on test taking skills to help students reduce test anxiety in order to
help with the high stakes testing required.
The final grade will be made up of 30% homework, 30% quizzes, and 40% tests.
Extra credit: Extra credit will consist of the student planning and teaching a mini lesson in front of the class. The
mini lesson will be determined by the student and teacher together and will be relevant to the topics that the class is
currently discussing.
If you need more help:
You can ask questions in class if you don't understand.
I will be available to help you at lunch time and right after school.
Emails through the school email system is the best way to contact me outside of school hours.

Attendance policy:
Each child is expected to attend class everyday. Class discussions are important and should not be missed unless it is
unavoidable. In that case a note from the parent will be necessary to make up any missed work.

Late work Policy:

Late work will be accepted until the end of the term. Because homework is meant to be practice for the students, I
do not feel that students should be penalized if they decide to do the homework after it is due. That being said, it is
important for students to be prepared for class everyday. Part of being prepared is having the ability to discuss the
material from the previous day in an intelligent way. With out doing homework, student will not be able to
participate in class discussions, and will miss points for not being prepared. Class preparedness for the week will
count as one homework assignment for the week.

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