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To tackle

1 - As Internet use soars, Turkey gets ready to Tackle E-

- À medida que cresce o uso da Internet, a Turquia se prepara
para enfrentar o comércio eletrônico.

2 - Experts say that only an experienced leader will be able

to tackle the country’s crisis and restore political
and economic stability.
- Os especialistas afirmam que somente um líder experiente
poderá enfrentar a crise do país e restaurar a estabilidade
política e econômica.

3 - The World Bank suggested the best way to tackle the

problem would be to develop retirement plans that involve three
vital pillars of an economy: the government, employers and the
individual. (The Wall Street Journal)
4 - O Banco Mundial sugeriu que a melhor maneira
de enfrentar o problema seria a criação de planos que
contassem com a participação de três pilares fundamentais da
economia: o governo, os empresários e os cidadãos.

5 - There are many ways of tackling this problem

- I tackled him about his careless work

to try to deal with something or someone:

- He was tackled in the goalmouth.
- He needs to tackle more often.
- He tackled his opponent bravely and gained possession of the ball.
(especially in football or hockey) to try to take the ball from
a player in the other team, or (in rugby or American football) to do
this by taking hold of the player and making them fall
(especially in football or hockey) an act of tackling someone

7 - fishing tackle

- all the objects needed for a particular activity

8 - All four players were unable to tackle the quarterback before

he scored a touchdown.
to catch and knock down someone who is running, esp. in
the game of football:

9 - There are many ways of tackling this problem.

to attack or to deal with something

10 - A flying tackle brought him down.
- He’s an offensive/defensive tackle
an act of knocking someone down, or a football player who
is supposed to do this

11- The first thing the new government must do is to tackle inflation.

- tackle a crisis/question/problem

12- I felt that the whole subject was too sensitive to tackle.

- to try to deal with something:
13 - I was determined to tackle my boss on the way I had been treated.
- to talk to someone about a difficult situation, usually because
you disagree with them:

14 - Successive governments have failed to tackle
the question of homelessness.

- A new initiative to tackle the shortage of teachers

to make an organized and determined attempt to deal with
a problem, often a social problem such
as crime or unemployment

15 - There were over 50 firefighters tackling the blaze.

- to try to put out a large fire

16 - The interviewer tackled him about his failed economic policies.

tackle someone about something: to ask someone questions in a

very direct way, because you disagree with them and
you want them to explain their opinions or behaviour

17 - They’re too powerful for you to tackle on your own.

to oppose a person or organization

18 - Emily tackled her husband over his drinking.

- Emily abordou o marido por causa da bebida.

19 – The rugby player was tackled to the ground very violently.

- O jogador de rugby foi bloqueado e caiu no chão violentamente.

20 – She's trying to tackle too many problems at the same time. 

- Ela está tentando enfrentar problemas demais de uma só vez.

21 – Unfortunately, as the result of a vicious tackle in his weekly football match,

Grandfather scratched his shin."
- to tackle (a player): confrontar, bloquear (um jogador)

22 – In an attempt to tackle the obesity epidemic, the British government today

announced a new labelling system to be used on food.
- to tackle (a problem): abordar, enfrentar (um problema)

23 – James is tackling our budget problems at the moment.

- James está resolvendo nossos problemas com o orçamento neste momento.

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