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Warna merah: teks 1

Warna hijau: teks 2

Warna biru: teks 3

Warna biru muda: teks 4

A. Lingkup Fungsi Sosial ()

1. Topik/Isu/Masalah (4)
- What does the above text tell us about?
- What is the topic of the text?
- What is the topic of the text above?
- What does the text tell us about?

- The text tells us about....

- What was the main problem?
- What is the text mostly about?
- The text above mainly discusses Studio One in terms of its....
- What is the text about?

- The text above tells you how to use ...

- The text tells us about....
- What is the text mainly about?
- What is the best title for the passage above?
- The text highlights....
- What was the main problem?

- The text highlights....

- What is the text about?
- What is the topic of the story?
- What is the text mostly about?

2. Tujuan/Fungsi/pesan (7)
- The text is written to….
- Based on the above text, the writer wrote it in order to ....
- The writer wrote the text to ....
- Based on the text, the writer writes it to ....
- The text is written to....
- The text is written to....
- Based on the text we know that the writer writes the text to ....

- The purpose of the writer to write the text is to give instructions how to ... a digital
- The text is aimed to give the description of ....
- The writer shares his experiences to show ...
- What is Kitty's purpose to write the message?
- What is the writer's intention to write the text?
- The purpose of the text is to invite the guests/readers....
- What is the purpose of the text?
- What is the purpose of the text above?

- Why does the school issue this notice? (apakah ini bukan termasuk alasan?)
- Why did the principle write the card? (idem)
- The text is aimed to give the description of.....
- What is the writer’s purpose to write the text?
- The purpose of the text is to invite the guests/ readers....

- What is Kitty’s purpose to write the message?

- What is the writer’s intention to write the text?
- The text is intended to make...
- What is the purpose of the text?
- The text is written to...
- What is the writer’s intention to write the text?
- What is the purpose of the text above?
- What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

3. Latar Belakang/alasan

- Why did the principal write that card?

- Why does the school publish that announcement?

4. Akibat/dampak/manfaat
- What will the invitees probably do before coming to the event?

- What does student do in regard to the notice?

5. Sikap/nilai yang diusung

- In the story above, the writer wants to say that.....

- What can you learn from the text?

Andi should have ...

6. Peran dan fungsi pembicara/penulis (1)

- Who wrote the announcement?

- Who probably writes the text?

- Who probably writes the text?

7. Peran dan fungsi pendengar/pembaca (2)

- The text is addressed to ... in Serpong Area City and new development City.
- The persons who mostly like reading this kind of text are ....

- Who will be interested to read the advertisement above?

- The information text above mainly is important for....

- Who will be interested to read the advertisement above?

8. Konteks Penggunaan (tempat, waktu, situasi) (1)

- Where do you find this announcement?

- The text is most likely found in....

- The text is mostly likely found in....

- When did writer set a camp? (apakah ini bukan masuk rincian deskripsi
- The text is mostly likely found at...

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