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About JESSD Symposium 2021

Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development/JESSD
( is a biannual refereed journal that provides an opportunity
for academics and practitioners well as community representatives to examine, exchange, and
reflect on a wide range of issues related to environmental science and sustainable development.
JESSD is published by the School of Environmental Science, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta.
This year, JESSD is proud to hold its second international virtual symposium. The second
International Symposium of Earth, Energy, Environmental Science, and Sustainable
Development will feature world-class speakers and editors worldwide, such as the USA,
Germany, United Kingdom, United States, Japan, Thailand, and Indonesia. This event covers
numerous subjects ranging from the broad earth science, energy, and environmental science to
more specific topics on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the special issues of
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and Community Engagement for Better Environment.
This symposium delightedly invites all interested national (approximately 50% or more from
the total of participants) and international experts and enthusiasts from universities,
institutions, organizations, businesses, and the communities themselves. We gladly announce
that our second virtual symposium will be held from 25 to 26 September 2021.
This guideline is provided to you to make easier submitting your article into our Symposium.

2. Symposium Website
First, visit our symposium website ( and then click
submissions drop down menu and choose online submission
( or simply directly click Online
Submission in yellow box in the homepage.

3. Online Submission
After you choose online submission, please click the link that we provided
( to submit your Full Text and/or Poster. These
online submissions are provided by Bepress Digital Common – Elsevier.

3.1. Make a Submission

After you visit the online submission website, please click in the left side of the website under
Author Corner: Make a Submission.

3.2. Register as an Author
After you click a submission, you need to register your account. Click sign up based on this

And then you fill in each column before you start submission, click Create Account.

You will need to activate your account. Please check your email (Inbox or Spam) and activate
your account. After you activate your account, you can submit your article.

3.3. Submission Agreement

After you activate your account, please click once again under Author Corner: Make a
Submission. Before you submit your article, there are some submission agreements. Please
read carefully and then move on to the next step.

3.4. Submission Title
Please write your submission title of your article.

3.5. Presenter Information

For each author please clearly indicate: the author’s e-mail address; the full given name and
family name and check that the names are accurately spelled; the author's affiliation address,
where the actual work was done. Provide the full postal address. For example, “School of
Environmental Science, Universitas Indonesia, Central Jakarta 10430, Indonesia”.

3.6. Topic
Choose a topic and sub-topic that best describes your submission. Double click available items
to include them, or click once and use the 'Select' button for each item.

3.7. Submission Type

Please choose your submission type, whether it is Full Text or Poster.

3.8. Corresponding Author Name, Email, and Contact
Indicate who will handle correspondence at all stages of refereeing, publication, and post-
publication. Also, provide an active email and phone number with phone codes.

3.9. First Reviewer Name, Affiliation, and Email
Please clearly indicate the full given name and family name of your suggested reviewer. The
organizers manage to prevent any conflict of interest that might be happened during review
process. Therefore, please ensure that your suggested reviewer fits to following criteria: (1)
he/she is an expert in the relevant field; (2) he/she comes from different institution and country
as the author(s) do; (3) he/she has never been involved in any related work with the author(s);
and (4) he/she does not know the author(s) personally. There is no certainty that the organizer
will accept your suggested reviewer.

3.10. Second Reviewer Name, Affiliation, and Email (Optional)
Please clearly indicate the full given name and family name of your suggested reviewer. The
organizers manage to prevent any conflict of interest that might be happened during review
process. Therefore, please ensure that your suggested reviewer fits to following criteria: (1)
he/she is an expert in the relevant field; (2) he/she comes from different institution and country
as the author(s) do; (3) he/she has never been involved in any related work with the author(s);
and (4) he/she does not know the author(s) personally. There is no certainty that the organizer
will accept your suggested reviewer.

3.11. Publication Output
Below are the available options for publication output, please select your option. Note:
“Proceeding” and “Book Chapter” will be submitted for inclusion in leading Abstracting and
Indexing services, including Web of Science, Scopus, CrossRef, Google Scholar.

3.12. Full Text of Presentation

Please upload your Full Text Article within these three options: upload file from your
computer, import file from remote site, or link out to file on remote site.

3.13. Additional Files
If you have any additional files that related to your submission, please thick this box.

3.14. Disclaimer and Submit

Please confirm following statements before finishing submission by clicking on the Whitebox
to check.

3.15. Supplemental Content
If your submission includes supplementary material--spreadsheets, audio clips, or other
material that is not part of the text portion of your work--you can upload it here. If you wish to
upload a supplementary file, use the form below to locate the file on your computer.
Click the Browse button to upload the file. Repeat this process for each additional file you want
to upload. When you are done, click Continue.

4. Status of the Article
After you submit the article, the system will present submission metadata of your article. If you
need to make a correction regarding this, you could just click “Revise Submission”. And to
make another submission, please click “Make Another Submission”.

5. Closing Statement
The stepwise guide for the Authors throughout the submission process in JESSD Symposium
2021 has been explained herewith. This manual guidebook is created to help the Authors with
the Submission Process. If this guidebook needs to be revised, please feel free to contact us by
sending email to or If you have any
concern or problems, please do not hesitate to contact us by email or WhatsApp +62 819 3259


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