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Ejercicios operadores lógicos

Sea: a = 7 b = 8 c = 2 d =3. Resolver los siguientes ejercicios:

1. (a>b) or (a<c)) and ((a=c) or (a>=b))

2. ((a>=b or (a=d) and (c>d))

3. not (a=c) and (c>b)

4. ((a=d) and ((a>=b) or (b=c) ) or (d>b))

5. not (a>=c) or ((b=c) and (a>=b))

Evaluar las siguientes expresiones numéricas:

6. not (12> 6)

7. ((35-8) > 3) or (3*32 = 76)

8. 13 = 10 and 4 < 17

9. Not (5*9<>3)

10. (9+87 = 96) or (45-35 <> 10)

11. 6 – 4^6 > 0 or 3 <> 7 and not 6>=6

12. 5 + 3 / 5 = 12 and (4<5 or 1>=9)

13. 4>=4 or not 5<16 and 6 <> 8 and 9<=76

14. 68<>79 and (3<3 or not 8>=8)

15. (-1) ^40 = 1 and not 10^0 =1 or 7 * 7 / 6 < 5

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