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CUT ee Tn) COE ici “Tf THI YEN CN iN MON TIENG ANH Eee el UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION PUBLISHING HOUSE ON TAP THITUYEN SINH VAO LOP 10 MON TIENG ANH Bui Anh Dugng (Chi bién) Bui Thanh Huong ~ Trén Thi Yen Ban quyén xust ban thudc vé Nha xudt ban Bai hoc Su pham. Moi hinh thie sao chép ton bd hay mot phn hodc cac hinh thc phat hanh rma khéng cé surcho phép trudc bing van ban cca Nha xudt ban Bai hoc Su pham déu la vi pham phap lua ‘Chting tailuén mong mun nhan dae nhiing ¥ kién déng gdp cha quy viddc gid 8 sich ngay cang hoan thién han. Moi gép y v8 sdch, lién hé vé ban théo va dich vy ban quyén xin vui long iti vé dja chiemail: ISBN 978-604-54-4931-8 myc Luc LOI NOI DAU.. Cac thi cia déng tir II. Dang déng tu... IV. Sy tung hgp gidia chi ngii va déng ti V. Cau digu kién VI. Cau ao uéc.. Vil. Cac loai ménh a8 phy thudc trong cau ghép chinh phy . VILL. Cau héi dudi IX. Cau bi déng.. X. Cau tryc tiép - gian tip. XI, Ménh dé quan hé XI. Bao ngG.... B - PRACTICE EXERCISES SECTION 1 - PHONETICS .. 1.1. Pronunciation... 1.2. Word stress.. SECTION 2 - ERROR IDENTIFICATION SECTION 3 - GRAMMAR ..... SECTION 4 ~ VOCABULARY 4.1. Word forms .... 4.2. Collocation 4.3. Synonym: 4.4. Antonyms 4.5. Prepositions ~ Phrasal Verbs. SECTION 5 ~ READING... 5.1. Guided cloze. 5.2. Reading comprehension SECTION 6 - WRITING. 6.1. Sentence transformation 6.2. Sentence combination 6.3. Sentence completion .. ao ald 13 14 14 . 16 .16 17 20 21 D~- ANSWER KEY 184 184 184 184 184 185 185 186 186 187 187 188 188 188 188 188 191 192 3 C- PRACTICE TEST PRACTICE TESTS ANSWER KEY PRACTICE TEST No. 195, PRACTICE TEST No. 196 PRACTICE TEST No. 196 PRACTICE TEST No. 197 PRACTICE TEST No. 198 PRACTICE TEST No. 199 PRACTICE TEST No. 199 PRACTICE TEST No. 200 PRACTICE TEST No. 201 PRACTICE TEST No. 202 PRACTICE TEST No. 203 PRACTICE TEST No. 204 PRACTICE TEST No. 13 204 PRACTICE TEST No. 1 205 PRACTICE TEST No. 15 206 PRACTICE TEST No. 11 207 PRACTICE TEST No. 1 207 PRACTICE TEST No. 1 208 PRACTICE TEST No. 1 209 PRACTICE TEST No. 2 209 REFERENCES... LOI NOI DAU Cuén sach On tap thi tuyén sinh vao lép 10 mén Tiéng Anh duoc bién soan diya trén nén tang la cdc chii d8, kién tire ngi phdp — tt vung va ki nang theo chong trinh sdch gidéo khoa tiéng Anh lép 9 cla Bé Gido duc va Dao tao, nh&m chudn bj tét cho cdc em hoe sinh 6n thi vao lop 10 trung hoc phé théng. Cudn sach gém 4 phan chinh: A— REVIEW (Kién thirc trong tam) B — PRACTICE EXERCISES (Cac dang bai luyén tap) C— PRACTICE TESTS (Dé luyén téng hop kém phiéu tra loi mau) D— ANSWER KEY (Bap 4n gi y va mét sé cu tric cn ghi nh) Cac dang bai luyén tap va dé téng hop déu duoc bién soan theo huéng cap nhat nh@ng yéu cau cia ki thi vao lop 10 trung hoc phé théng trén ca nwo. Nhém Bién soan hi vong cudn sdch nay khéng chi hé tro céc thay c6 gido trong qué trinh gidng day va 6n tap cho hoc sinh, ma con la mét tai ligu hu ich gitp cdc em hoe sinh phat trién ki nang ty hoc. Bén canh nhteng néi dung do cae tac gid ty thiét ké trén co sé sach giao khoa, céc tai ligu tham khdo d& duge 48 c4p & phan cudi cia cuén sdch nay. Do théi gian g4p rut, nhém bién soan chua thé xin phép tnyc tiép tiyng tac gia cling nhu cc té chive trong va ngoai nue; chung tdi hi vong sé duge thyc hién viée nay khi c6 diéu kién. Nhom tac gid rat mong nhan dugc nhtng gép y, phan hdi ti cdc chuyén gia, cdc thay cé gido, cdc bac phy huynh cling cdc em hoe sinh dé nhém tiép tc hoan thién cudn sach trong nhéng [an tai ban sau. Tran trong cam on! Céc tae gia A- REVIEW 1. Neo AM 4. Phat am tir 1.1, Quy tic phat 4m dudi -ed DONG TV tan cing bang Khi thém -ed phat am la Phy Am v6 thanh /t/ ho&e phy am hiu thanh /a/ hdl 7 phy am v6 thanh 181 Ieff Iki ipl Fl Is! If) i ‘Cac trong hop con lai 7 tal MOt 36 trréng hop khéng tan cing bang /t/, /d/ nhung Khi thém -ed dug phat am fa hdl: hatred (sy cam ghét) wretched (td toi) beloved (dupe yéu quy) wicked (nham hiém) _ crooked (luén cui) unmatched (khéng gi sénh bang) rugged (Im chém) _ragged (rach nét) 1.2. Quy tac phat 4m dui -s CAC TU tan cing bang Khi thém -s phat am Ia 5 phy dm vo thanh /0/ /t/ Ik! Ip! Hf isl Cac phy am it Jd3/ /s/ fal If! [3h ; ir Cac trréng hop can lai ~ | lal 1.3. M@t s6 quy tic phat 4m khac = Phat am la /jnl trong da sO trvéng hop: education Budi -tion | — Phat Am [a /3n/ trong tir equation h'kwergn/ ~ stion phat am 1a /tfn!: question = Khi th & dau tir: Vi dy: they, them, the, therefore, then + Da 86 cdc ti? loai khdc — phat am la /6/ = Khi th & cudi tt: Phat am th | + Ba sé phat am [a /8/ + Cac tir smooth, with —> phat am la /8/ Je) thanh /6). Vi dy: + south /8/-> southern /0/ + youth /8/-> youths /6/ 2. Trong am tir 2.1, M@t s6 quy tac co ban — DANH TU’ va TINH TU’ thung co trong am & AM TIET DAU. —DONG TU thudng cé trong 4m & AM TIET CUOI. — Am tiét yéu /e/ khdng nhn trong am. + Cc tir chire nang (dai tty, tan ngt, mao ty, lién thr) —> phat Am a 8 — Khi thém hau t6 vao tir 48 bién d&i dang tir, th chuyén phat 4m tr — Am tit dai thurang c6 kha ning nh&n trong am. —Ba sé cdc tin t6 khong anh huéng dén vi tri trong am. Vidu: un- ine im- ire dis- re- pre- post- non- over- ~Ba sé cdc hau t6 khéng anh huéng dén vi tri trong am. Vidu:-ful less -able -al -ous -ly —-erlor -ing —_-ise/ize 2.2, Cac dudi khign trong am roi vao 4m tiét trudc né Budi Vidu Budi Vidy Budi Vidy 1. tion condition’ 8. -graphy | photography | 17. -iency | efficiency 2.-sion* _| division 10.-etry | geometry 78.-ian___| technician 3. -icfcar™ | tories 41. -eous | advantageous | 19.ium | gymnasium 4iy ‘community delicious economy | 5. ial essential anxiety Kilometer 6.-ual individual teliance injury 7.-itive | competitive impatience memory 8.-logy _| biology 16.-ient__| convenient contribute * irr television * trip arabic, politics, lunatic 2.3. Cac dudi nhn trong am ‘Dudi Vidy Budi Vidu Budi Vi du q.-ade___[lemonade | 9. -aire Taillionaire | 17.-press (v) | express 2. -00 bamboo myself 78. -tract (v) | attract 3.-ique unique maintain | 19.-sist(v) _| assist 4. -mentary | documentary | 12. -dict (v) [predict | 20.-mit(v) | commit 5, -ee/-eer* | engineer 13.-pel(v) [compel | 21.-ect(v) _| affect 6. -ese Vietnamese | 14. -fer(v) | prefer “22. -vert (v) _ | convert 7. -ette cigarette 75. -test (v) | detest 8.-esque | picturesque | 16. -rupt(v) | erupt * iri coffee, committee, employee 2.4, Céc dui khién trong 4m roi vao am tiét cach nd 1 am tiét Budi Vidu Budi Vidu Budi Vidu | 7, -ate communicate | 3. -tude altitude || 5. -ary” January 2.-ite | opposite 4. -ative initiative * iri extraordinary i. CAc THI CUA BONG TU 4. Thi HIEN TAL 1.1. Hign tai don S+V(s/es) * Dién ta: : Thoi quen — Chan Ii — Chu ki déu dn — Binh luan thé thao trye tiép — Viét trong sach, bao ~ Thoi gian biéu, lich trinh. * Cac cum tir thuéng ding: from time to time, every now and then, occasionally, generally, always, often, usually, frequently, sometimes, rarely, seldom, never, etc. *Nhdn manh dung do/does + V: He does love you! 1.2. Hign tai tip dién S + am/is/are + V-i — Hanh déng dang xay ra xung quanh thdi di&m néi. — Hanh déng cé tinh tam thoi; mét sy bién chuyén, thay déi. Vi dy: He usually goes to work by bus, but today he is driving his car. ~ Sy phan nan, ding v6i cdc ti: always, forever, constantly. — Hanh d6ng da dug lén ké hoach, sp xép thc hién trong tuong fai * Cac cum tir thuréng ding: now, right now, for now, at the moment, at present, for the time being, today, these days, this week, etc. * Cha y: Khéng dung hién tai tiép dién véi cdc déng ti sau: ~Y kién: agree, disagree, deny. ~ Tw duy: believe, consider (coi nhw), doubt (hoai nghi), expect (mong doi), imagine (tuéng twong), know, mean (o6 nghia la), realise (nhan ra), suppose (coi nhuw), suspect (nghi ng), think (+ of: cho raing), understand ~ Tén tai: exist. — Tinh cam: adore (nguéng m6, yéu quy), appeal (thu huit), desire (khao khét), dislike, envy (ghen ti), fear (lo so), forgive (tha tht), hate, like, love, mind (phién), need, prefer (thich hon), satisfy (thod man), trust (tin twéng), want, wish. ~ Tri giéc: appear (duéng nhu), seem (c6 va), sound (nghe c6 vé), look (nhin 6 va), taste (cé vi), recognise/recognize (nhan ra), smell (c6 mui). ~ Sé hiu: have, belong, possess, consist, contain, cost, lack, own, owe. 1.3. Hién tai hoan thanh $ + have/has + P, * Dign ta: — Hanh déng bat dau trong qua khi?, kéo dai lién tuc dén hién tai. (for + khoang thai gian; since + méc thoi gian & qué kht; since + qua khtr don; since then). ~ Két qua cia hanh déng tinh dén thoi diém hién tai (so far, up to now, until now). — Hanh d6ng da tivng/chua ting xay ra tinh dén hién tai (ever, never). — Hanh d6ng xay ra bao nhiéu lan tinh dén hién tai, {it's + the firs/second/third/... + time + Hién tai hoan thanh) — Hanh déng viva méi xay ra. (just, recently, lately, in the last few days) — Hanh déng chwa xay ra nh mong dgi (cau ph dinh va nghi van). (yet) — Hanh déng xong truéc mong agi. (already) — Sau so sénh nhat. — Hanh dong da xay ra trong khoang thoi gian chua két thuic: today, this evening, this year, ete. 1.4, Hién tai hoan thanh tiép dign S + have/has been + V-ing * Dién ta: — Hanh d6ng bat dau trong qua khiv, kéo dai lién tuc dn hién tai, dang xay ra & hién tai va c6 thé tiép tue dén twong lai. 8 Vi du: It has been raining for more than two hours. ~ Hanh déng vira méi chdm ditt, 06 hau qua/két qua tam thai. . Th QUA KHU 2.1. Qua kh don S+Ved S + was/were * Din ta: — Hanh déng xay ra va d& chdm diet trong qué khw. — Sy that, théi quen trong qua khw. - Nhn manh, ding did + V: He did love you! 2.2. Qua khis tiép dién $+ was/were + V-ing * Dién ta — Hanh Géng dang dién ra tai mét thoi diém trong qua kh. — Hanh d6ng dang dign xung quanh mdt thai diém trong qua khw. ~ Sy bién chuyén, thay ai trong qua khte. — Sy phan nan trong qué khi’. (always, forever, constantly) — Hai hanh déng xay ra song song trong qua kh. — M@t hanh d6ng dang di&n ra trong qué khts (ding qua khis tiép din) thi mot hanh déng xen vao, ct ngang. (ding qua khtr don) Vi du: We were talking about John when he suddenly came in. 2.3. Qua khi# hoan thanh S+had +P, * Dién ta: — Hanh dng xéy ra va hoan tat truée mét hanh déng khac trong qua khtr. — Hanh déng hoan tat tinh dén mét thei diém trong qué khiv. 2.4. Qua khi hoan thanh tiép dién S + had been V-ing * Di&n ta: Hanh d6ng/tinh huéng di&n ra lién tyc tei mt thoi diém trong qué khir. 2.5. Used to V * Dién ta: ~— Th6i quen trong qué khir da khéng cdn & hién tai. — Sy tén tai cla sy vat trong qué kher, 3. Thi TUONG LAI 3.1. Tuong lai don S+will+V Shalll chi ding cho ngéi 1! va we * Dién ta: — M6t phéng doan vé can ctr cho twong lai. — Mt quyét dinh ngay tai thoi diém néi, cha c6 ké hoach, dy dinh. ~ Sy hi vong, |i hia, Idi tir chéi. ~ Suy nghi, quan diém chi quan. = Loi dé nghi. Vi du: That box seems heavy. | will help you carry it upstairs. 3.2. Tuong lai tiép dién S$ + will be + V-ing * Din ta: Hanh d6ng dang dign ra tai mt thoi diém trong tuong lai. ‘Tuiong lai hoan thanh * Dién ta: — Hanh déng hoan tat trvéc mét thei diém/hanh G6ng trong twong lai. — Hanh déng kéo dai téi m6t thoi diém trong twong lai dugc bao lau. 3.4. Tuong lai hoan thanh tiép dién S + will have been + V-ing * Dién ta: Hanh déng bat dau trong qua kh, kéo dai lién tue dén mét thoi dim trong twang lai va dang dién ra tai thoi diém do $+ will have + P, 3.5. Tuong lai gan * Dién ta: — Dy dinh cho tuong lai 4a duge sp xép, lén ké hoach tir truéc. — Dy doan sy vide trong tong lai cé cn ctr vao dau higu & Vi dy: The sky looks cloudy. It is going to rain. 3.6. Cac cau trtic khac vé tuong lai —To be to V: $ + am/is/are + going to V tai. sAp dat chinh thirc/phai lam gi. —To be about to do sth: sap stra lam gl. ~To be on the point of doing sth: sp sira lam gi — To be on the verge of doing sth: 6 nguy co sé. ~ To be due to V: sé dén han lam gi. — To be boundi/certain/sure to V: —_ chdc chan sé lam gl. ~ To be (highly) (un)ikely + to Vithat + twong lai don: rétikhéng c6 kha nang sé. — The chances are that + twong lai don: rAt 6 kha nang sé. — There's every + chanceflikelinood + of sth V-ing: rt c6 kha nang sé. — There's a strong/a distinct chance/possibility that + twong lai don: rat co kha nang sé. — The odds are against sth: rt it kha nang sé. ill. DANG DONG TU V+ V-ing VitoV V+O+toV avoid (tranh) _ afford (dt kha nang) advise (khuyén) admit (thtra nhan) agree (déng y) allow (cho phép) advise (khuyén nhu) appear (xuat hién) ask (yéu cau) appreciate (danh gid) complete (hoan thanh) consider (xem xét) delay (tr ho&n) deny (ti chéi) discuss (thao lun) dislike (khOng thich) enjoy (thich) 10 arrange (s4p xép) ask (hdi, yéu cau) beg (nai ni, van xin) care (chm s6c) claim (adi hi, yeu cdu) consent (bang lng) decide (quyét dinh) beg (van xin) cause (gay ra) challenge (thach thie) convince (thuyét phuc) dare (dam) encourage (khuyén khich) expect (mong doi) V+ V-ing Vitov V+O+tov finish (hoan thanh) demand (yéu cu) forbid (cm) : keep (tiép tuc) deserve (xtrng dang) _| force (budc) mention (48 cap) expect (mong doi) hire (thué) mind (phi&n, ngai) miss (nho, bé 16) postpone (tri hoan) practice (luyén tap) quit (nghi, théi) recall (nhc nhé, nho) recollect (nho ra) recommend (nhac nho) resent (bye tire) resist (khang cy) risk (rii ro) suggest (d8 nghi) tolerate (chiu dyng, bao dung) understand (hiéu) can't help (khéng nhin duge) can’t stand/can't bear (khéng chiu dyng du¢c) It is no use/no good (v6 ich) would you mind be used to (quen voi) be/get accustomed to (dan quen voi) be busy (ban rén) be worth (xteng dang) look forward to (tréng mong) have difficulty/fun/trouble fail (that bai) hesitate (do dy) hope (hi vong) learn (hoc) manage (sp xép) mean (y dinh) need (cn) offer (48 nghi) instruct (huéng dan) invite (moi) need (cn) order (ra énh) permit (cho phép) persuade (thuyét phuc) remind (nh&c nh) require (ddi di) teach (day) tell (bao) urge (thtic giye) want (muén) warn (bao truéc) IV. SY TUONG HOP GIUA CHU NG VA DONG TU 4. Chit ng@ cia cau [a hai danh tii néi véi nhau bang ‘and’ — Hai danh tir cling chi mét ngudi/mat vat > Vssn Vi du: The director and actor is here. (cng m6t nguéi la dao di8n kiém dién vién) — Hai danh tir chi hai ngudifhai vat khdc nhau > Vs6 nnd Vi du: The director and the actor are here. (hai ngudi khac nhau) 2. Cau cé hai danh ti lam chit ng néi véi nhau bang: with, together with, along with, accompanied by, added to, in addition to, as well as, including — d6ng tiv chia theo DANH TU THU! NHAT Vi du: The girl with her brothers is here. 1 12. 13. 14. 1 a Cau cé hai danh ti lam chi ngif néi véi nhau bang: or, nor, not only ... but also, either ... or, neither ... nor —» dng tif chia theo DANH TU THU HAL Vi dy: You or | am wrong. Chi ngi oda cau la = The number of + Neb ntidu > Vast — The numbers of + Nsé nnitu > Vs6 nnidu — A number of + Neé npigu > Vsé nnidu Chai ngif la cdc cum tit = All, Most, Some, Half, The majority, The minority, ....%, x/y, None + of + Negi. > Vs6 it Vi dy: 99% of your success depends on your hard work. ~All, Most, Some, Half, The majority, The minority, ....%, wy , None + of + Nebindu > Vrsb nid Vi dy: All of the students are excited about the coming trip. Cac danh tif luén tuén [a 86 nhiéu: police, staff, cattle, poultry, crew, clergy (giéi tang 10), troops, goods, congratulations, army Vi du: The police are here. Céc dai lugng chi tién, théi gian, khdi lugng, khoang cach, kich cd luén luén [a 86 it Vi du: Twenty five minutes is not enough. Cha ngi la hal danh tiv néi véi nhau bang gidi tir + déng tii chia theo DANH TU THU NHAT Vi du: The legs of the table are too short. “The + Adj’ chi mét tap hap ngudl, mét tang Iép, mat dan t6c > Vis anieu Vi du: The rich are not always happy. . Ten mén hoe, bénh, tap chi, dia danh tan cing bang ‘s’ — Vasu Vi du: Physics is my favourite subject. . C4u cé chd ngif 1a ‘There’ thi déng tii chia theo danh tw thi nhat sau chi nga Vi du: There is a dog, two cats and three birds in the garden. Chi ng@i la hai danh ti néi véi nhau trong cau truc both ... and > Vesnnieu Vi dy: Both you and | are wrong. Chi ng@ la danh ti bat dau bang: every..., no..., any... Vesir Vi du: Everything is ready. Each, Every, Neither, Either of + Nesanu-> Vesn Vi du: Each of the students is ready. . Each/Every +N, and each/every +N, > Visa 1 fl 1 1 6. 7. 8. 2s Many a+ N,5x > déng tii chia $6 (T: biét bao nhiéu .... Vi du: Many a good man has been destroyed by drink. The + ho + ‘s’: 8 gia dinh > Visanigu Vi du: The Blacks are here. A great many + Negnnigu—> Vssnniéu Vi dy: A great many students like learning English. . Cc danh tif chi tap hgp: family, team, group, etc. = Chia dong tir s6 it khi ngu yc 1 gia dinh, d6i, nhom, ... = Chia dng tir sé nhidu khi ngu y nhén manh céc thanh vin. . CAU DIEU KIEN Cau diéu kign LOAI 1 (Mét gid thiét c6 thé xay ra trong tudng lal) if +S +V (thi hign tal), S + will +V Vi du: If the weather is fine, we will go swimming tomorrow. * Co thé thay S + will + V bang: — S$ + can/may + V. —S + be going to + V. * Cau ménh lénh: Chuy&n sang cau dao ngi: bé If, dao Should lén truéc chi ngt. Vi du: Should you meet her tomorrow, ask her to phone me Cau diéu kién LOAI 2 (Mét gid thiét tr: khéng thé xay ra) di chan I, su that & hién tai, If + S +Ved (qué khir don/qua khir tiép dién), S+ would/might/could + V Vi du: if were taller, [would be a model. * Chuyén sang cu dao ngt: bé If, dao Were [én truéc chit ngv: Were S + (to V), S + would + V * Cau didu kign logi 2 voi nghia: Néu khéng vi If it were not for sb/sth, S + would + V = Were it not for sb/sth, S + would + V = But for sb/sth, S + would + V = Without sb/sth, S + would + V Vi du: If it were not for this bad weather, we would be on the beach now. Cau diéu kign LOAI 3 (Mét gia thiét trai véi sy viée trong qué kht, khéng thé xay ra) If + S + had P2, S + would/might/could + have P, Vi du: If he had stayed at home last night, he would have met her. * Chuy€n sang cu Gao g(r: bé If, do Had Ién trusée chi: ngi Vi du: Had he stayed at home last night, he would have met her. 13 * Cau diéu kién loai 3: Néu khéng vi ..., ... Ifithad not been for sbisth, S + would + have Pz = Had it not been for sb/sth, S + would + have P2 = But for sb/sth, S + would + have P, = Without sb/sth, S + would + have Pz Vi du: If it had not been for the rain, we would have gone swimming yesterday. 4, Cau diéu kign HON HOP 4.1, Cau diéu kién hén hop 3 — 2 (gia thiét trai vdi su that trong qué kh dan dén két qua trai véi su that 4 hién tai) If + S + had P,, S+ would/might/could + V Vi du: If he had graduated from a university, he would get this job now. 4.2. Cau diéu kién hén hop 2 - 3 (gia thiét trai vi sy that khéng thé thay déi din dén hanh déng khéng thé xay ra trong qué kh) If + S + V (qua kht? don), S + would/might/could + have P; Vi du: fT were taller, | would have been a model ten years 5. Cac tir néi co thé thay thé IF — Unless: Néu ... kh6ng ... — In case: D8 a8 phong trvdng hop — Provided, Providing, As long as: min la — Suppose, Supposing, Imagine: gid st ~ Cau didu kin véi ‘or else’ hod ‘otherwise’ (Or else = Otherwise = If not) Vi du: | need to eam enough money, or else/otherwise | will not buy that new car. (= If can't eam enough money, | will not buy that new car.) VI. CAU AO UGC (| wish = If only) 1. Uéc cho hign tai va tuong lai (khéng cé that): S, + wish + S/S, + Would + Vege «ere) Vi dy: lam short of money. | wish I had a lot of money now. 2. Uéc cho qué khii (khéng cé that): S, + wish +S,/S, + had P, Vi du: I wish | had gone to her party last week. 3. Phan nan vé mét viée khéng vila y dang hoi 96 xay ra: S, + wish + S/S, + would + V Vi du: I wish you would stop making so much noise. vil. CAC LOAI MENH DE PHY THUOC TRONG CAU GHEP CHINH PHU 1, M@nh dé chi SY NHUQNG BO — Although/Even though/Though + $ + V Vi dy: Though she is rich, she is mean. ~ Although/Even though/Though + adj/adv Vi dy: Though rich, she is mean. — Although/Even though/Though + P; , S + V. Vi dy: Though surrounded by a lot of people, he still found her. ~ Although/Even though/Though + gidi tir +N, S + V. Vi duu: Although in difficulty, she helped me. ~S1+ Vs. Sp Va, though. Vi du: She was in difficulty. She helped me, though. * Dao ngi mang nghia nhugng bé: Adj + though/as + S + V Vi du: Good looking though/as she is, she didn't win that beauty contest. * Much as (mac di rat nhiéu): Much as + S +V,S + V. Vi du: Much as | tried, 1 coudn’t manage to deliver a good presentation. * Cu tric twong duong voi Although/Though/Even though: — Despite/in spite of + N/V-ing, S + V. —Despite/in spite of the fact that, S + V. Vi du: Despite/in spite of being tired after a hard-working day, she spent the whole evening tidying up her house. (= Although she was tired after a hard-working day, she spent the whole evening tidying up her house.) Ménh 4é chi MYC DICH so that/in order that + S + V Vi du: | am studying hard so that/in order that | will pass the exam next week. * Cu tric tong dung: so as to/in order to + V Vi du: | am studying hard so as to/in order to pass the exam next week. (= lam studying hard so that I can pass the exam next week.) Ménh 4é chi NGUYEN NHAN Because/Since/As +S +V Vi dy: I couldn't go out because/since/as the rain was heavy. * Céu tric tong duong: because offowing to/due to/thanks to + N/Ving Vi du: | couldn't go out because of the heavy rain. Ménh 4é chi THO! GIAN when S + V: khi .. Vi du: | saw her when she was walking over there. — while S + V: trong khi... Vi du: | was watching TV while she was cooking. — before S + V: truée kh... Vi du: She had leamt in this high school before she entered university. —after S + V: sau khi ... Vi dy: | will tell you after I have finished my work. —as soon as S + V: ngay Khi ... Vi du: You have to phone me as soon as you arrive. — until S + V: cho dén kh... Vidy: You have to wait here until | come back. vill. CAU HOI BUO! 1. Mét 86 quy tée chung —Ménh 8 chinh dang khang dinh > phan du6i dang phii dinh. — Ménh 4 chinh dang phii dinh —> phan duéi dang khang dinh. Vi du: John is good at basketball, isn't he? — Ménh d& chinh 6 cdc yéu t6 phi dinh nhw: no, none, neither, hardly, seldom, rarely, scarely, barely —> phan dudi dang khang dinh. Vi dy: She hardly comes to class on time, does she? — Chil ngt? cia ménh dé chinh la every..., No..., any... > phan dudi diing ... they. Vi du: Everyone enjoyed the film, didn’t they? 2._Mét sé trudng hgp dac biét ‘used fo V . had better 2 eee 2. 1am not......, am 1? 3. Cau ménh lénh, will you? 4. Let's ......, shall we? ix. CAU BI DONG 1. Cau tric bién déi ti’ cha déng sang bi déng Thi/Dang cua déng tl Chi déng Bi déng _ Hién tai thong V eres) is/are Pz Hién tai tiép dién am/is/are V-ing is/are being P2 Qua khi? thudng V-ed wasiwere Pz Qua khte tigp dién wasiwere V-ing was/were being Pz Hign tai hoan thanh has/have P2 has/have been P2 Qua khi? hoan thanh had Pz had been P2 Twong lai thong will V will be P2 Tong lai gan is going to V is going to be Pz ‘Déng tiv nguyén thé 1 tov to be Pz ‘Déng tir nguyén thé 2 to have Pz to have been Pz ‘Béng tir -ing 1 V-ing being Pz Déng ti -ing 2 having P2 having been P2 _Déng ti khuyét thiéu can V can be P2 2. Dang nhé bao: HAVE, GET 2.1, have sb do sth —nh@ ai lam gi gilip cho: | often have my sister clean my room. — ai lam viéc gi gay tén that cho minh: / had a strange men steal my car. 2.2. have sth done (by sb) — 06 viée gi dug lam gitp béi ai: / often have my room cleaned by my sister. —bj viéc gi gay tén that cho minh: / had my car stolen by a strange man. 2,3. get sb to do sth = nha ai lam gi gitip cho: / often get my sister to clean my room. 2.4. get sth done — c6 viée gi dug lam gitip béi ai: / often get my room cleaned by my sister. — ty minh phai lam gi cho xong: | must get my homework done tonight. 3, CAu bi déng ti cau chii dong c6 hai ménh aé —Chii dong: $1 + Vs + (that) + S2 + V2(V; = say, think, believe, report,...) — Bi dong: It + (be) + said/thought/believed/reported + (that) + S: + Vz $2 + (be) + said/thought/believed/reported + to V2 (V; va V2 cing thi) + to have P2 (Vi va V2 khac thi) + to be Ving (tiép dién) Vi du: People say that he was a doctor. — It is said that he was a doctor. — He is said to have been a doctor. * Trong cau bi déng, trang ng@ chi dia diém ding trvéc by + tan ngé, trang ng chi thai gian ding sau by + tan ng¢ Vi du: The house was built at the end of the street by the villagers ten years ago. X._CAU TRUC TIEP - GIAN TIEP Bién ddi BAI TU/TAN NGO/TINH TU SO HUUMDAI TU SO HOU Cau try tiép Cau gidn tiép I he/she you Umertheyith = we they us them my his/her our _my/their aaa _Bién d6i DONG TU Cau tryc tip Cau gién tiép = Simple present = Simple past = Present progressive — Past progressive = Present /Past perfect/Past Simple _|— Past perfect = Simple Future — Would + V ~ Can/May = Could/Might —must/have to —had to = should/ought to = should/ought to = Will/ShallWon't — Would/Should/Wouldn't - needn't — didn't have to/needn't Bién d6i TU CHI THO! GIAN/DIA DIEM Cau tre tiép ___ Cau gidn tiép = today/tonight = that day/night yesterday _ = the day before/the previous dai = the day before yesterday — two days before — tomorrow — the next/the following day/the day after_ =the day afler tomorrow = in two days'time _ = next dayiweel... — the following/next day/week ~ last week/month... the previous week/month; the week/month before ago — before/earlier — now ee — this, these = that, those | — here for ck j 5 days = 4. Cau trén thuat in 5 days’ time — Diing déng tir tvong thuat: said that/told sb that. Vi du: He said: ‘| am going to see you here tomorrow’, ~ He said that he was going to see me there the next day. 2. Cau hél YES -NO — Ding cae dong tt turdng thu: sk, inquire, wonder, want to know — Sau déng tir tung thuat diing ‘if hoac ‘whether’ — Déi cu triic cau hdi thanh cau tran thuat Vi du: He said to me: “Do you live here?”. ~ He asked me if | lived there. 3. Cau héi Wh- — Dung cdc déng tir tudng thuat: ask, inquire, wonder, want to know — Sau dong tiv tung thuat ding tir dé hdi wh— (what, where, when, why, which, who, how long, how far,...) 6i cau tric cau hdi thanh cau tran thuat Vi du: He said to me: “Where did you live ten years ago?” ~ He asked me where | had lived ten years before. 4,_Cau ménh lénh, yéu c4u, gol y, khuyén.. Trye tiép Gian tigp "What about + V-ing?” suggest + V-ing “Why don't you + V2" suggest + V-ing hoae advise sb + to V “Could | have sth?” ask for sth | “Could you+ V7" ask sb to V you mind + V-ing?™ ask sb to V hoac ask sb if he/she could V you like sth"? offer sth to sb "Would you Tike to go to." invite sb to... “Would you like to V?” invite sb to V "Shall Ido sth for you?” offer to V “Shall we + V?" suggest + V-ing 18 * Mét sé cdu tric thuong gap: ~ insist on (sb) Ving; insist that + $ + V: khding khang — demand to V; demand that + S + V: d0i héi — request to V request that + S + V: 48 nghi — require sb to V; require that + S + V: yéu cau ~ command sb to V: ra ménh lénh cho ai phai lam — order sb to V; order that + S + V: ra lénh ~ instruct sb to V: ra hwéng din — compel sb to V: ép bude warn sb to V: anh bao — urge sb to V: héi thie — accuse sb of V-ing: c4o bude ~ apologize to sb for V-ing: xin 16i * Khi chuyén cau phi dinh sang gidn tiép thi chuy€n d6ng tl tuéng thuat (believe, expect, feel, intend, plan, propose, suppose, want, think) sang phii dinh. Vi du: ‘I'm sure it is not dangerous.” ~ She didn’t think it was dangerous. 5. Cac trudng hgp cau gién tiép KHONG LUI THI CUA BONG TU « Déng tif tung thugt & hign tai Vi dy: He often says: “I am the best.” > He often says that he is the best. 5.2. Cau diéu kign loai 2 va loai 3 Vi dy: He said: “If | had money, | would buy a car.” — He said that if he had money, he would buy a car. ye 5.3. Cau ao uiée cho qu kh, hién tai, tuong lai Vi dy: He said “I wish | had a car.” + He said that he wished he had a car. . Chan fi, sy that hign nhién Vi du: He said: “The Sun rises in the East.” — He said that the Sun rises in the East. . Cau & qua khi don cé diém thai gian chinh xac Vi du: ‘He died in 1921/on Monday.” — They told me that he died in 1921/on Monday. 5.6. would rather, would sooner, had better, should, could, might Vi dy: “I would rather go by bike than walk.” + He said that he would rather go by bike than walk. 5.7. Ménh dé sau ‘It’s time’ Vi du: He said: “It’s time | went home.” — He said that it was time he went home. 5. S 5. a 5.8, Ménh dé sau as if, as though (khong dting véi sy that) Vi du: He said: “She looks as if she were a queen.” — He said that she looked as if she were a queen. XI. MENH BE QUAN HE _ —Ménh 48 quan hé dat ngay sau danh tir ma né bé nghia va duoc bat dau bang cdc tir quan hé: who, which, that, whose, when, where, why WHO: thay thé danh ti chi ngudi; lam chi ngir hoae tan ngir cla ménh Gd quan hé. WHOM: thay thé danh tt chi ngudi; lam tn ngi etia ménh 48 quan hé. WHICH: thay thé dan tir chi vat; lam chi ngé hoac tan ngt cia ménh 68 quan hé. THAT: thay thé danh tlr chi ngwai va chi vat; lam chil ngir hoc tan ngtr ota ménh dé quan hé. WHOSE: chi sy so’ hiu, sau ‘whose’ la danh te WHEN (= preposition + which): thay cho trang ng@ chi thdi gian. WHERE (= preposition + which): thay cho trang ngir chi dia diém. WHY (= for which): thay cho ttr chi li do. m chi ngt hode tan ngi?, thay thé danh tl chi ngudi. WHOM: lam tan ngi, thay thé danh tir chi nguoi. WHICH: lam chi ngir hoe tan gif, thay thé danh tir chi vat hoc lam chit ngo hod tan ngtt, ding sau déu phdy, thay thé nghfa cé ménh dé. THAT: lam chu ngé? hoe tan ng@, thay thé danh ti chi ngudi va chi vat lam chit ng@, thay thé nghia ca ménh d8 ding sau. WHOSE: chi sy sé’ hiru, sau ‘whose’ la danh ti. WHEN (= on/at/in which): thay cho tir chi thoi gian: WHERE (= on/at/in/from which): thay cho ti chi dia diém. WHY (= for which): thay cho tir chi If do. 4. M@nh dé quan hé xéc inh — Cung cp théng tin quan trong gitip xac dinh danh tir/oym ti dung truéc; gitip cu dui nghia. Vi du: My father is the man who understands me most. —Khéng c6 dau phay ng&n cach ménh dé chinh va ménh dé quan hé. — C6 thé bé tr quan hé (who, whom, which, that) lam tan ngér cla ménh a& quan hé. Vi dy: He is talking about the girl wheAhat he met last week. 2. M8nh dé quan hé khéng xdc dinh —Cung cp thém théng tin v danh tl/oum tir 44 ty xdc dinh dtrng trude, 06 thé bé di cau van r nghia. Vi dy: The Moon, which was so bright, showed the beauty of the garden. — C6 dau phay ngan cach ménh dé chinh va ménh dé quan hé. ~— Khong diing ‘that’ véi ménh 48 quan hé khéng xae dinh. — Sir dung ménh dé quan hé khéng xéc dinh véi: all, both, few, most, several, some,... + of + whom/which Vi dy: I have two close friends, both of whom are living abroad now. 20 * Cha y: = ‘Which’ 06 thé dtrng sau ddu phy, thay thé cho nghia cla ca ménh dé trréc nd. Vi du: You won the race, which made me happy. — Dung ‘that’ 48 thay thé cho cym danh tir bao gém ca ngudi va vat. Vi dy: The man and his dog that came here last night have been arrested. — Ding ‘that’ dé thay thé cho cym danh ttr di kém so sanh nhat. Vi du: This is the most delicious dish that I've ever tasted. — Sau cc dai tir nghi vn: Who/What. Vi dy: Who is it that made you sad? Rut gon ménh dé quan hé 3.1. Rét gon ménh dé quan hé thanh ‘To V’ — Sau tir chi sé thir ty: first, second, next, last, etc. Vi du: He was the last person who left the place. — He was the last person to leave the place. ~ Sau ‘only, ‘very’. — Sau so sénh nhat. — Chi muc dich. 3.2. Rut gon ménh dé quan hé thanh ‘V-ing’ —Khi ménh d@ quan hé 6 thé chti d6ng. Vi du: She is the lady who lent me her phone. — She is the lady lending me her phone. 3.3, Rut gon ménh dé quan hé thanh ‘P,’ — Khi m@nh 48 quan hé & thé bj dong. Vi du: The book which was written by J.K. Rowling is very interesting. > The book written by J.K. Rowling is very interesting. 3.4, Rit gon ménh dé quan hé thanh cum danh tir Vi du: Ms. Young, who is our librarian, lent me this book. — Ms, Young, our librarian, lent me this book. 3.5, Rat gon ménh dé quan hé thanh cum tinh tir Vi du: Anyone who is interested can come to the festival. > Anyone interested can come to the festival. 3.6. Rut gon ménh dé quan hé thanh cum gidi tir Vi du: | want to borrow the book which is on the table. —> I want to borrow the book on the table. xi. BAO NeU 1. Dao ngf trong cau don Khi cc tir/cym tty mang nghia phi dinh ding dau cu voi myc dich nhén manh: = No, Not, Neither, Nor, Never (before, again, in my life,...): khong ... Vi du: Never have we witnessed such cruel behavior. — Seldom, Barely, Hardly, Little, Scarcely: hiém khi, hau nhu khong — No longer/No more: khéng ... ntra, Nowhere: khéng noi no 24 2.2, 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 27. 2.8. 3.2. a ~ At no time: khéng bao gidy — On no account: khéng vi bat ki I do gi — On no condition: hoan canh nao cing khéng ~ Inno way: Khéng cé céch nao ~ In/Under no circumstances: Dt trong hoan canh nao cing khéng — Only giéi tir + N/V-ing Vi dy: Only after saying goodbye did | realize that ! had left my wallet in his car. — Only in this way: chi bang céch nay — Only then/later: chi sau dé Vi dy: Only then did | understand what | had done, Dao ngi trong cau phitc . Vila mdi... thi da ... — Hardly/Seldom/Barely/Scarcely + had + S + Pz + when + S + Veg —No sooner + had + $ + P,+ than + S + Veg Vi du: No sooner had he finished dinner than he started feeling ill Khong nding ... ma con .... — Not only ménh 48 1 BAO NGU' but S + also + V —Not only ménh 48 1 BAO NGG but S + V + as well Khéng thé nay cing chang thé kia Neither ménh dé 1 DAO NGG nor ménh dé 2 DAO NG Vi du: Neither did she come to the party, nor did she reply to the invitation. Chi khi ma ...: Only when ménh dé 1, ménh dé 2 BAO NGU Chi néu nhw ...: Only if ménh dé 1, ménh dé 2 BAO NGU. Chi sau kl Only after ménh dé 1, ménh dé 2 BAO NGU Chi truéc khi ...: Only before ménh dé 1, ménh dé 2 BAO NGU Mai cho tdi khi ...: Not until + méc thdi gian/ménh dé 1, ménh dé 2 BAO NGU Vi dy: Not until | got home did | realise my bracelet was missing. *CAu tric sau cing ¢6 nghfa ka mai cho t6i khi... nhhung KHONG BAO NGO’: Itisfwas NOT UNTIL diém thdi gian/ménh d& 1 THAT ménh a8 2 Vi dy: It was not until | got home that I realized my bracelet was missing. Bao ngf trong cau diéu kién . Cau diéu kién loai 1: Bd ‘If’ va ding ‘should’ ding dau cau Vi du: If we are lucky enough, we will be the champions of the football tournament. — Should we be lucky enough, we will be the champions of the football tournament. Cau digu kign logi 2: Bd ‘If va ding ‘Were’ ding dau cau, néu cau dong tir chinh la d6ng ty thuréng thi ding ‘to V’ Vi du: If | were you, | wouldn’t do it. -» Were | you, | wouldn't do it. 3.3. Cau diéu kign logi 3: BO ‘If va do ‘Had’ lén true chit ng Vi du: If | had understood the problem, | wouldn't have made those mistakes. — Had | understood the problem, | wouldn't have made those mistakes. 4, Bao Tinh ti/Trang ti 4.1. Mac dit ...: Adj/Adv + as/though + $1; , Sz V2 Vi dy: Hard as he tried, he couldn't finish the project on time. 4.2. Cho dit nhu thé nao ...: —No matter how + Adj/Adv + S; Vs, S2Ve Vi dy: No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't finish the project on time. ~However + Adj/Adv + S; V3, S2V2 4.3. Dén n6i ma ...: So + Adj/Adv+ ménh 48 1 BAO NGU + that + ménh d8 2 Vi du: So interesting was the film that we decided to watch it twice. 4.4. Dén n6i ma ...: Such + be + S + that + ménh a8 2 4.5. Dit c@ gang rat nhiéu nhung khong thé... —Hign tai: Try as sb may, S + V — Qua khts: Try as sb might, S + Ved 5, BAo déng tiv da chia lén trudc chi ngit = Trang ti chi dja digm (Here, There, On, At, In, Inside, Outside, Behind) Trang ngtr chi phuong huéng (Out, Up, Into, Down) ding dau céu > dio BONG TU BA CHIA [én trude chi ng. Vi du: Here comes our bus. * KHONG DAO NGU néu chii ngé trong cAu Id dai tir |, we, you, they, he, she, it Vi du: Here we come! 23 B - PRACTICE EXERCISES SECTION 1 — PHONETICS 1.1, PRONUNCIATION Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is Pronounced differently from that of the others. Exercise 1 1. A. predict B. preparation —_C. expect D. extensive 2. A. abrupt B. funnel C. volume D. thunderstorm 3. A.climate B. comprise C. consist D. divide 4. A. economic B. conclusion C. sailor D. minority 5. Aur B. university C. universe D. unknown 6. A. design B. loose C. style D. 7. A.choice B. research C. schedule D. 8. A. hobby B. deny C. poetry D. primary 9. A. bottle B. folk C. orange D. chopsticks 10. A. qualify B. baggy C. grocery D. scenery Exercise 2 1. A.home B. come C. some D. 2. A.pray B. separate (v) C.champagne _D.. vi 3. A.depend B, secondary C. deposit D. 4. A.comespond —_B. minority C. worship D. 5. A.crier B. instruction C. interactive Dz 6. A. remote B. atmosphere C. convenient —_D. commercial 7. Akits B. photographs —_C. laughs D. chores 8. A. education B, dangerous C. modem Dz 9. A. creature B. bear C. jeans D. 10. A. channel B. chat C. school D. Exercise 3 1. A.tickshaw B. carnival C. ruin D. island 2. A.setting B. fortress C. heritage D. complex 3. A. recognize B. recommend C. protect D. preserve 4. A locate B. situate C. pagoda D. landscape 5. A. behave B. border C. destroy D. erupt 6. A. fixture B. hurricane Clif D. strike 7. A.voleano B. damage C.earthquake —_D. teenager 8. A. laugh B. highlands C. flashlight D. although 9. B. innovation C. conserve D. pollution 10. A B. funnel C. erupt D. nuclear Exercise 4 1. A.urban B. multicultural —_C. stuck D. rubber 2. A. manual B. thatched C. arctic D. asset 3. A. exporter B. pedestrian C. entertain D. event 24 4, 5. 6. in 8. 9. 1 A frustrated A, dogsled A. exporter A. emergency A. cooperative . A. metro 0. A. citadel Exercise 5 CO PNOAkeNs craft concentrate variety conduct complex chopped noodles assigned dessert served PPPrrrrrrr 3 > Exercise 6 1.2. WORD STRESS ogee eee ee together chef fee destination facilities prefer pioneer expansion natural conserve PPP PSPEyEyy S > DORR OD VORB DOB OD PHOT BDO BOD behave concentrate fortress helpline igloo domed cavern lacquerware cognitive limestone urban cavern fried steams cooked starter layered healthy charity degree vacation cuisine wonder Peel explosion potential preserve pe99909 eppe999e900 g999999999 tram complex affordable depressed boom ‘oceania administrative factor workshop tiled tunnel citadel starved vegetables reduced mineral enclosed nothing parachute coffee question exist quicker meat vision mature reserve D. D. D. D. D. D. D. paradise pov990009090 poov990990090 frame metropolitan conduct dweller roof workshop adulthood confident ickshaw stuck contestant described sausages sliced mandarin liked authentic champagne achieve urbanisation ctuise consider green decision fluctuate Japanese Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose primary stress is placed differently from that of the others. Exercise 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1 A. handicraft A. historical A. famous A. business A. transfer A. adolescence A. confident A. emergency . A. relaxed 0. A. discipline PID MPN D TODS lacquer embroidery village experience publish adulthood delighted frustrated worried determine 9999999990 artisan authority workshop grandparent accept cognitive depressed independence wander . cultural poo99909909 pottery architecture bamboo chocolate remind concentrate embarrassed decision dweller indicator 25 Exercise 2 1 7 3. 4. 5. 6. cs 8. 9. 10. Exe 41 vs 3. 4, 5. 6. G 8. 9. 10. > fabulous A. craftsman A. elegant A. recommend A. windsurfing A. coincide A. stimulate A. wildlife A. parabolic A. spacewalk ercise 3 ‘A. companion A. destination A. atmosphere A. impressive A, tidal A. typhoon A. forbid A. machine A. recent A. electricity Exercise 4 Zeenegsens 0, aOmNonsenom 2 y 3 A. arctic A, urban A. wander A. layer A. workshop A. affordable A. fabulous A. picturesque A. compartment A. facility exercise 5 annoyed rubber skyscraper surface event avocado altemate campaigner exotic comfortable PRPPrrrrr> reliable layer regional thoroughly equipment community organize afford astronomy trainee DODD DT OOD spectacular picturesque astounding imposing abrupt compose cancel pollute reduce population PIDV PATH Dw occasion asset downtown independence mushroom underpass variety recognition exported igloo BUD DDDHODD astonished astounding downtown limestone index archeology accommodate environment romantic B, development POPP BBOOD PEP99EHALDD E2OEHEHNNHED g2EgEEN999 2999999990 variety sculpture musical travelling amateur conception efficient mountain experiment object ecotourism mausoleum attraction peacefully cyclone joyful repeat nature suggest necessity rickshaw indicator annoyed confident negative lacquerware reliable adolescence manual event pedestrian administrative craftsman structure metro ingredient facilitate millennium economic vocabulary po9u9y9999 SDDDDDDUTD sN9DHs99NN p9900000999 forbidden preserve effective fascinate national committee terminal passport collaborate private extraordinary cathedral amazing fantastic hurricane occur prevent exhaust collect innovation noticeable artisan astonished sculpture recognition craftsman remind astonished relaxed embarrassed sandals relaxed sculpture illiterate dweller vinaigrette communicate populous phonetic derivatives Exercise 6 aa a 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8. 9. 7 ie A. intemational B. approximately —_ C. flexibility D. understood A. obesity B. cigarette C. intensively D, dramatically A. computer B. itinerary C. passenger D. enormous A.experiment B. experience —_C. expedition D. excursion A. advertise B. candidate C. astronaut D. astronomy A. technical B. package C. diameter D. temperature A. discovery B. spacesuit C. participate D. technology A. quality B. benefit C. opinion D. purpose A.performance _B. financially C. externally D. exhibition A.emotionally B. responsive —_—C.’ activity D. opportunity SECTION 2 — ERROR IDENTIFICATION Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correcting in each of the following questions. Exercise 1 1 Mary was determined to leave (A) the office by (B) 4:30 for catching (C) the early train home (D). 2. often look into (A) new words in (B) the dictionary whenever (C) | don’t know their (D) meanings. 3. Even (A) on the most careful (B) prepared trip (C), problems will sometimes (D) develop 4. The existence (A) of many stars in the sky lead (B) us to suspect that there may be (C) life on another (D) planet. 5. Itis believed (A) that in the near future (B) robots will be used to doing (C) things such as (D) cooking. 6. My father used to give (A) me a good advice (B) whenever (C) | had a problem (D). 7. The teacher asked him why (A) hadn't he done (B) his homework, but (C) he said nothing (D). 8. Although his family is (A) poor, but (B) he studies (C) very well (D). 9. The package (A) must be wrapped (B) carefully before (C) it is post (D). 40. Lam (A) very interesting (B) in problems caused (C) by pollution (D) Exercise 2 1. No one would have attended (A) the lecture if you fold (B) the truth about (C) the quest speaker (D) 2. Because (A) his sickness (B), he didn't take (C) part in the English competition (D). 3. Agalaxy, where (A) may include billions of (B) stars, is (C) held together (D) by gravitation attraction. 4. The tongue is the principal (A) organ of taste (B), and is (C) crucial for chewing, swallowed (D), and speaking. 22. 5. Each of the members (A) of the group were (B) made to write (C) a report every week (D). 6. Why don’t (A) you congratulate our son about (B) passing (C) his final (0) exam? 7. Neither of the girls (A) have (B) tumed in the term papers {o the (C) instructor yet (0). 8. The secretary told (A) me that an important file had left (B) in the lunch room just (C) the other (D) day. 9. The {A) little boy's mother bought him (B) a five-speeds (C) racing bicycle for (D) his birthday. 10. Since (A) fireworks are dangerous (B), many countries have laws to prevent (C) businesses to sell (D) them. Exercise 3 1. Dams are used to control flooding (A), provide water for irrigation (B) and generating (C) electricity for the surrounding area (D). 2. The closer it gets to (A) December 21, the first day (B) of winter, the short (C) the days become (D). 3. Either (A) Mr Anderson or (B) Ms Wiggins are (C) going to teach our class today (D). 4. My parents (A) often take careful (B) of me when (C) | am ill (D). 5. Have you (A) ever read (B) any (C) novels writing (D) by Jack London? 6. Publishing in the UK (A), the book has won (B) a number of awards in (C) recent regional book fairs (D). 7. Perhaps the most (A) unique thing about (B) carbon atoms are (C) their ability to combine (D) with themselves. 8. Her family had great difficulty (A) to get (B) her transferred (C) to another (D) hospital. 9. Hardly he had (A) entered the office (B) when he realized (C) that he had forgotten (D) his wallet. 40. The economy is heavy (A) dependent on industry (B), and economic growth has always been (C) of greater concem than (D) environmental preservation. Exercise 4 1. Could you help (A) me do (8) this job? | don't know how to get (C) it start (D). 2. The man was (A) unable discovering (B) who had thrown (C) stones at (D) him 3. Many opinions have (A) been express (B) on the likely (C) effects of the computer (D) 4, Traditionally (A), Americans and (B) Asians have had very different (C) ideas about love and married (D). 5. Many (A) teachers have devoted their (B) lives to (C) teaching therefore (D) teaching is not a well-paid job. 6. Had it not (A) been for you help me (8), ! wouldn't (C) have succeeded (D) 7. There are (A) many different ways of comparing (B) the economy of one nation with those (C) of another (D). 8. The number of (A) people who (B) survived the Titanic shipwreck (C) in 1912 were (D) quite small. 28 a 10. If @ person really wants (A) to succeed, they (B) must always work (C) hard (D). The number of wild condors, an endangered species of (A) bird, have been (B) increasing steadily (C) because of (D) the work of scientists and environmentalists. Exercise 5 1, 10. Newtonian physics accounts (A) from (B) the observation (C) of the orbits (D) of the planets and moons. The (A) man whom (B) | want to meet him (C) was away on business (D). The (A) result of that (B) test must (C) be inform (D) before August. Vietnam exports (A) a lot of rice is grown (B) mainly in the south (C) of the country (D). Today was such beautiful day (A) that | couldn't bring myself (B) to complete (C) all my chores (D). We were (A) advised (B) not drinking (C) the water in (D) the bottle. Jim and his brother are (A) alike (B); they both (C) look after (D) their father. One of the most (A) serious problems (B) face (C) us now is the need (D) to control population growth. Not until (A) | was on my way (B) to the airport that | realized (C) | had left my passport at home (D). Students suppose (A) to read alll the questions (B) carefully and find out (C) the answers to them (D). Exercise 6 ae a 3. Ss 9. 10. What would (A) happen if (B) the temperature (C) is warmer (D)? Some people enjoy preparing (A) their own meals while another (B) would rather eat (C) out reqularly (D). It takes over (A) four years for light (B) from (C) the nearest star reaching (D) the earth. There are (A) probably around (B) 3,000 languages speaking (C) in the world (D). Those applicants who (A) return their completed (B) forms at (C) the earliest date that have (D) the highest priority. Please give (A) me a few (B) more sugar in (C) my coffee. | prefer (D) it sweet. Some students think that get (A) good marks is (B) the most important thing that (C) they must pay attention to (D). | didn’t (A) feel like to. go to (B) work (C) this morning because it was raining hard (D). Rattan, a close (A) relative of bamboo, is often (B) used to make (C) tables, chairs, and other furnitures (D). Would you mind not (A) to smoke (B) on the bus? It disturbs (C) the other (D) people. Exercise 7 ie 2. There are thousands (A) of kinds of bacteria, many (B) of whom (C) are beneficial (D). In_spite of (A) their (B) frightening (C) appearance, the squid is shy and completely harmless (D). 29 3. One of the most (A) popular holiday (B) in the U.S. is (C) Thanksgiving, which is celebrated in (D) November. 4. The girl whom about (A) we are talking (B) used to be (C) a Miss World (D). 5. After John eaten (A) dinner, he wrote (B) several letters (C) and went to bed (D). 6. Food prices (A) have risen (B) too (C) rapidly that we have to change our eating habits (D). 7. She asked why (A) did Mathew look (B) so embarrassed (C) when he saw (D) Carole. 8. When (A) | met John last year, he has already graduated (B) from (C) university for (D) a year. 9. Do you (A) think two hours are too (B) long to wait for (C) someone (D)? 10. My (A) mother still soends (B) 14 hours a day (C) do (D) the housework. Exercise 8 1. Either (A) the doctor or the nurses takes (B) care of changing (C) the patients’ (D) bandages. 2. Please arrive (A) on time in order to (B) we will be able (C) to start (D) the meeting punctually. 3. They hardly never (A) go to the beach (B) because of (C) their sickness, do they (D)? 4, The people in Europe are now using (A) the common unit of money called (B) Euro, although (C) the economies in those countries are not exact (D) the same. 5. Most (A) bacteria has (B) strong cell walls much (C) like those (D) of the plants. 6. The (A) first nation park in (B) the world, calling (C) Yellowstone Park, was established (D) in 1872. 7. My father used to giving (A) me some good (B) advice whenever (C) | had a problem (D). 8. Allthe (A) witnesses said that (B) John was blaming for (C) the accident. 9. The doctor advised him (A) to avoid eating (B) fatty foods, having (C) more fresh vegetables and drink much (D) water. 10: People should not expect to rescue (A) by their parents every time (B) they get into (C) financial difficulty (D). SECTION 3 — GRAMMAR Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) that best fits the gap in each of the following sentences. Exercise 4 4. Mary isn’t her sister. A.sopretty than B. as pretty than —_C. prettier as D. as pretty as 2. They speak English than we do. A. more fluently —_B. fluentlier C. most fluently —_D. fluentliest 3, The competition makes the prices ‘A. more cheap and cheap B. more cheap and more cheap C. cheaper and cheaper D. cheaper and cheapest 30 4. Which is planet in our solar system? A. smaller B. smallest C. the most small. the smallest 5. “I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother's illness. Does she feel now?” A. better B. best C. the best D. the better 6. Which mount is in the world? A. higher B. the higher C. highest D. the highest 7. Basketballs are than footballs. A. expensiver B. more expensive C. expensivest D. the most expensive 8. Ice hockey is a sport than basketball or tennis. A. as dangerous B, more dangerous C. most dangerous D. the most dangerous 9. Ofall the sports in the Olympics, which sport is 2 ‘A. as dangerous B. more dangerous C. most dangerous D. the most dangerous 10. This is football team in the country. A. the better B. the worse C. the best D. the baddest Exercise 2 1. he didn’t understand everything, he was interested in the conversation. A. However B. Even though —_C. Because D. While 2. I'm going to travel around the world Hturn 60. A. for B. since C. before D. while 3. their children go to university, they will sell their house and travel around the world. A. After B. When C. Once D. Alll are correct 4. I'm going to do some gardening it gets dark. A. because B. but C. untit 5. [can't tell you the decision know it myself. A. as soon as B. while C. when D. until 6. The food wasn't very good, he ate everything. B. but C. because D. although 7. like my new job better than my old one. A, more B. most C, much D. very 8. My new colleagues are than | expected. A. more nice B. most nice C. nicer D. nicest 9. My old boss was the friendly person I've ever met. A least B.lessandless — C. less 10. eave home, the journey is because the buses aren't so crowded. A. The more early — more easy B. The earlier — the more easy C. The earlier ~ the easier D. The more early — the easier 31 Exercise 3 4. We more time with our children before they left for university. We were too busy with our jobs to think about that. A. wish we spent B. were supposed to be spending C. wish we had spent D. regret that we didn’t spend 2: more points to discuss, the meeting has now come to an end. KOnaccount of B. Regardless of | C. Not having D. There being no 3. She has good a computer that she has used it for 6 years without any errors. B. such C. how D. too 4. Price continued to rise while wages remained low the government became increasingly unpopular. A. provided that B. in order that C. on condition that D. with the result that 5. If coastal erosion continues to take place at the present rate, in another fifteen years this beach anymore. A. doesn't exist B. isn't existing C. isn’t going to exist D. won't be exist 6. fl tell you a secret, _ you promise not to tell anyone else? A. would B. did C. will D. have 7. In those days of the last economic crisis if you ajob, you lucky. A. got - were B. had got — would be C. get — will be D. got - would be 8. , let me know. A Ifyou heard anything B. Had you heard anything C. Unless you heard anything D. Should you hear anything 9. He would certainly have attended the party : A. had the tire not flattened itself B. ifhe didn't get a flat tire C. if the flat tire hadn't happened D. had he not had a flat tire 40. | wish that you come to the party tonight. Can you ask your parents one more time? A. can B. are able to ©. could D. would Exercise 4 1. She wondered speak English. A. how could Lan B. how Lan could C. Lan could D. ifLan 2. He asked to speak to. A.who | wanted B. who | want C.1 wanted who —_D, who did | want 3. He asked me what A. is my phone number B. my phone number is C. was my phone number D. my phone number was 4, She asked me if | would buy a computer A. tomorrow B. the following day C. yesterday D. next day 5. They said that they had been driving through the desert : A. the previous day B. yesterday C. the last day __D. Sunday 6. John often says he boxing because it a cruel sport. A, doesn't like — is B. did not like — were C. not liked — had been D. had not liked — was ed 7. Let's play basketball after school, ? A.will we B. don't we C. shall we D. do we 8. Don’tdo that, 7 It's illegal A. do you B. don't you C. will you D. are you 9. I suppose no one will volunteer, 2 A. will they B. would they C.dol D. aren't 40. | wish to see the doctor, 2 A. aren't B.dol C. will | D. may | Exercise 5 11 going on long walks. A. would like B. refuse C. can't stand D. want 2. [don’t mind as long as | don't have to de the shopping. A. cook B. to cook C. been cooking —_D. cooking 3. Itwas Tony who in asking for anather glass of brandy and got drunk it the end. A. endured B. kept C. persisted D. maintained 4, Everybody sat quietly, for the repair or whatever was needed. A. waited B. to wait C. waiting D. wait 5. I leamed how to cook by my mother in the kitchen A. watching B. to watch C. watch D. watched 6. They got up too late, they couldn't catch the bus. A. then Bas C. when D. so 7. Tigers are rare in India now people have killed a lot of them. A. although B. in case C. because D. despite 8. Ifwe less paper, we have to cut down trees in the forest. A.used— wouldn't B. will use—won't C.use-@ D. used ~ won't 9. he wasn’t ready, we went without him. AAS B. When C. Although D. That 10. Why don't you try walking to work ? It’s not far away after all. A. for a walk B. for ages C.forachange —_D. for good Exercise 6 1. He's over seventy; , he's still active. A, however B. so C. otherwise D. but 2. I passed the test with the score that is beyond my parents’ expectation. my parents bought me a new phone. A. So B. That C. However D. Therefore 3. Would you like coffee tea? A. and B. but C. either D. or 4, Itwas a day everything seemed to go wrong. A. that of B. which C. where D. when 5, The teacher suggested that she harder on her pronunciation. A. should work —_B. works C. worked D, must work 6. The leader suggests all team members be on time. A® B. that C. whether D. the fact that in 33 7. Henry has suggested to the park for a walk. A. went B. goes C. going D.go 8. The government suggests by bus to reduce environmental pollution. A. travel B. travelling C. traveled D. to travel 9. By 1820, there were over sixty steamboats on the Mississippi River, were quite luxurious. A.many of them — B, which may C. many of which D. many that 40. The place we spent our holiday was really beautiful. A. what B. who C. where D. which Exercise 7 1. Tell me you want and I'll try to help you. A. that B. what C. who D. which 2. Mr. Brown, we studied with last year, is a nice teacher. A. whom B. that C. which D. the one 3. He wore a mask made him look like Mickey Mouse. A. who C. that D. whom 4, the café was crowded, we found a table. A. Though B. However C. In spite D. But for 5 the heavy rain, we enjoyed our vacation. A. Eventhough —_B. However C. Because D. Despite 6. , she continued to carry out her duty. A Although she is in good health B. No matter how poor her health was C. Although poor health D. Despite her good health 7. that she could not say anything. A. So upset was she B. But upset was she C. However upset was she D. Therefore upset was she 8. She still manages to smile, she's angry. A. in spite of B. despite C. although D. even that 9. being tired, he walked to the station. A. Inspite of B. Though C. Even that D. However 10. having enough money, he refused to buy a new car. A. Although B, However C. Due to D. Despite Exercise 8 1. Ifyou were able to take a space trip, what along? A. will you bring B. are you going to bring C. are you bringing D. would you bring 2. Who was the first man on the Moon? A. landed B. landing C. to land D. land 3. Vietnam is a tropical country has a lot of beautiful scenery. A. where B. that C, who 4, The man and the dog are walking along the street live next door to me. A. which B. who C. they D. that 5. What do you think “aliens” actually look like? Aare B. might C. could D. must 34 6. UFO might be from people's imagination. A. sightings B. watching C. viewing D. showing 7. Is this the address to you want the packet sent? A. where B. that C. which D. whom 8. I called her but there was no answer. She left for New York. A. may have B. likely has C. should have —_D. has probably 9. 1 wonder who wrote that letter. Jim have written it? A. Should B. Might C. Shall D. Is it possible that 10. Their office consisted of three rooms, was used as a conference room. A. larger of which B. the largest of which C. the largest of them D. largest Exercise 9 1. Itwas that we all felt surprised A. so beautiful flower show B. so beautiful a flower show C. such beautiful flower show D. too beautiful flower show 2. There were two small rooms in the big house, served as a kitchen. A. the smaller of which B. the smaller of them C. the smallest of which D. smaller of which 3. Business has been thriving for the past few years. Long ___it continue to do so. A. could B. does C. may D. might 4. the film's director, Ben Affleck, was famously left off the 85" Oscar Best Director list of nominees surprised everyone. A. Due to B, That C. What D. Although 5. In the past six months, the company has already received twice in gross revenues as it earned in the entire preceding year. ‘A. as much B. more C. as many D. as more 6. Our manager always says that he has met different businessmen in his career he now knows all kinds of them very well. A. too much — as B. such a lot of - for C. too little - so D. so many ~ that a itl amillion USD, | that car. A. had — would have bought B, have had — would buy C. had had — would buy D. had ~ would buy 8. Ifl abird, | very happy. A, were — would be B. was — would be C. were — will be D. was — will be 9. Paula would be sad Jan left Af B. when C. at D. whether 10. If you, | more carefully in the rain. A. was — would drive C. was — would have driven B. were — would drive D. were — would have driven 35 Exercise 10 4. The villagers are trying to learn English they can communicate with foreign customers. A. because B. although C. inorder that. so 2. We bought this hand-embroidered picture it was expensive A. despite B. however C. because D. even though 3. Tay Ho is the most famous craft village in Hue itis the birthplace of the conical hat. A, since B. after C. though D. before 4. | will phone her | get the news about her child. A.till B. as soon as C. while D. because 5. it was a bit cold, the weather was nice. A. Although B. When C. Until D. In spite of 6. Let's talk about our project we're walking. A. while B, because C.or D. and 7. I'dlike to talk to you you go home. A. but B. before C.s0 D. even though 8 they are rich, they think they can do whatever they like. A. However B. Although C. Because D, Until 9. They are studying hard they can study overseas. A, so that B. in order to C. since D. while 10, The show was boring we went home before it ended. A, because B. so that C. but Exercise 11 4, Inmy job, Friday is of the week. A. busier day B. more busy day C. the most busy day D. the busiest day 2. You should work if you want to eam more money. A harder B. hardlier C. more hardly. more hard 3. People used to say that London was city, but it is now much than it was. A. the dirtiest - more clean B. the most dirty - more clean C: the most dirty — cleaner D. the dirtiest — cleaner 4, She asked me how long in my present job. A. [had been working B. | have been working C. had | been working D. have | worked 5. She said that she would clean her room A. yesterday B. the following day C. the previous day D. the day before 6. I told you the computer, didn’t |? A. to switch off B. don't switch off C. not switch off D. switch off 7. Lan said she the following week, but | never saw her again. A. will be back B. had been back . would be back D. is going to be back 36

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