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Version: 4.6.

- Updated Bootstrap to version 5.1.2
- Updated all outdated third party vendor libraries to their latest versions

Version: 4.5.0
- Fixed slider issue in testimonials and portfolio details sections

Version: 4.4.0
- Updated Bootstrap to version 5.1.1
- Updated all outdated third party vendor libraries to their latest versions
- Improved and updated dev version gulp scripts

Version: 4.3.0
- Updated Bootstrap to version 5.0.1
- Updated all outdated third party vendor libraries to their latest versions
- Fixed navigation links focus color

Version: 4.2.0
- Updated Bootstrap to version 5.0.0 Final
- Updated all outdated third party vendor libraries to their latest versions

Version: 4.1.0
- Updated Bootstrap to version 5.0.0-beta3
- Updated all outdated third party vendor libraries to their latest versions
- Updated the PHP Email Form to V3.1

Version: 4.0.1
- Updated Bootstrap to version 5.0.0-beta2
- Updated all outdated third party vendor libraries to their latest versions

Version: 4.0.0
- The template does not require jQuery anymore
- Removed jQuery and all the jQuery plugins
- The assets/js/main.js was rewritten completely with vanilla Javascript. No more
jQuery code
- Restructured the dev version for better development experience
- Updated the PHP Email Form to V3.0 - No jQuery dependency. Added attachment

Version: 3.0.0
- Initial release with Bootstrap v5.0 Beta 1

Version: 2.5.0
- Updated the PHP Email Form to v2.3
- Other small fixes and improvements

Version: 2.4.0
- Updated the PHP Email Form library to version 2.0 with reCaptcha support
- Updated Bootstrap to version 4.5.3
- Updated all outdated third party vendor libraries to their latest versions
- Updated the PHP Email Form to v2.1
- Other small fixes and improvements

Version: 2.3.0
- Updated the PHP Email Form library to version 2.0 with reCaptcha support
- Updated all outdated third party vendor libraries to their latest versions
- Other small fixes and improvements

Version: 2.2.0
- Added: Portfolio details page with lightbox support
- Updated Bootstrap to version 4.5
- Updated jQuery and Remixicon libraries to their latest versions

Version: 2.1.0
- Added: activate/show sections on load with hash links

Version: 2.0.1
- Added the missing social profile icons in the contact page

Version: 2.0.0
- The template was rebuilt from scratch with the latest Bootstrap version (4.4.1)
- Added SMPTP support for the contact form script (Pro)
- Added NodeJS NPM Development version (Pro unlimited & Membership members)

Version: 1.0.0
- Initial Release

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