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Teacher: Tran Xuan Anh English 10

I. TO INFINITIVE (Động từ nguyên mẫu có “to”)
1. Sau một số động từ: S + V + to V
V: want, expect, refuse, hope, decide, agree, plan, would like, fail, learn, afford, manage, demand, prepare,
promise, wish, begin/start, arrange, force, intend, etc.
Ex: They want to make friends with me.
2. Sau túc từ của động từ: S + V + O + to V
V: advise, allow, permit, ask, invite, tell, order, etc.
Ex: The teacher told me to do this exercise.
3. Sau một số tính từ: S + be + adj + (for s.o) + to V
Ex: I am glad to know you are successful.
It is impossible to fly around the world in one day.
He is an interesting person to talk with.
The report was difficult for us to write.
4. Sau một số cấu trúc:
a) S + BE + TOO + ADJ + (FOR S.O) + TO V
Ex: The soup was too hot to eat write away.
The watch was too expensive for me to buy.
b) S + BE + ADJ + ENOUGH + (FOR S.O) + TO V
Ex: The question was easy enough to answer.
The room isn’t bright enough for us to work in.
c) IT + TAKE + O + TIME + TO V
Ex: It took me two days to finish this assignment.
It takes him 15 minutes to go to school by bike.
Ex: She doesn’t know what to do.
They haven’t decided where to go yet.
5. Dùng để chỉ mục đích:
Ex: We should water the plants regularly for them to grow well.

II. BARE INFINITIVE: (Động từ nguyên mẫu không “to”)

1. Sau các động từ: can, could, will, would, shall, should, may, might, must, have to, ought to, would rather,
had better, etc.
Ex: He can speak three languages.
I had better go now or I’ll be late.
Teacher: Tran Xuan Anh English 10

2. Sau túc từ của động từ: S + V + O + Bare_inf

V: feel, hear, see, watch, smell, make, let, etc.
Ex: I watched them get out of the car.
He made his daughter stay home.
She let him go.

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