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What are the learning you had gain from the activity given to you in enhancing your skill/s to
be an English teacher in the future?

The lesson that I’ve gain from our previous activity that enhance my skills to be an English
teacher in the future are: first, is to work effectively in the group. As a future teacher it is
important to have these qualities because I found that in our group that when we engage in
collaborative learning we got a better result. So, if I use these skills to my students when I
become a teacher, I know that it will become effective for them, because working in a
collaborative learning can strengthens their abilities to think critically and speak up with
confidence. Next is to motivate another groupmate to do their best. Sometimes, in a group it is
unavoidable that there is a groupmate that did not cooperate in your task and that’s one of the
things I learned in our group. As a future teacher I can use these skills to motivate my students
because there some students who are not motivated to learn and they do not learn easily. And
there are some other students who are losing interest in their studies maybe for a variety of
reason. Perhaps they are lack of interest in the topic, or find the teacher’s methods unattractive
and difficult for them to understand. That’s why teacher should encourage the students and
have often communication to make them feel important. And lastly, the most important thing I
have learned in the past activity we have done is listening. I learned that when we are working
in a group it is very important to kept my mind opened because listening to other points of view
can help me see many aspects of an issue, including those I don’t already know. For me to
become an effective teacher someday I need to become a good listener to my students. Having
these skills is very important for me because it can also help my students communicate and
prevent any potential conflict in the classroom.

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