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PCR Tests and the Depopulation Program

Kevin Galalae
10 October 2021

Ever since the plandemic has been started, I asked myself why the authorities insist on
performing as many Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests as possible, as often as possible
on the same individuals, and on as many people as possible given their invasive nature and the
fact that they were never meant for diagnostic but for research purposes and are therefore
inaccurate and even misleading. The creator of the PCR test himself, Dr. Kary Mullis, has
stated clearly and on many occasions that the results of the PCR tests can be easily
misinterpreted to mean anything. Well, now I know how the system is misusing them!
The long swab inserted into the nasopharyngeal cavity all the way to the roof of the nose to
collect remnants of viral RNA from the nasal mucosa, the tissue that lines the nasal cavity,
damages the fascicles of the olfactory nerve, which, as it turns out, has dire consequences for
human health and lifespan because the olfactory nerve is one of only two windows in the
cranium through which viruses and bacteria can move from nose to brain, thus can cross the
blood-brain barrier, the other one being the trigeminal nerve.
Let me explain!
The olfactory nerve is the only cranial nerve that has stem cells which enable it to continually
regenerate throughout life. These stem cells are called olfactory ensheathing cells. They
surround the olfactory sensory axons (the appendage of the neuron that transmits impulses
away from the cell body) to form the fascicles of the olfactory nerve. In plain English, they
are the cells that protect the olfactory nerve and aid its regeneration in case of damage through
age or injury.

These cells are so unique that doctors have recently begun using them to successfully repair
spinal cord injuries and to treat brain diseases. As it turns out, their self-renewing ability make

them an ideal relay pathway through which nerve cells can carry out their own repair. They
serve, in other words, as conduits through which regenerating axons can pass.
The olfactory nerve and bulb neurons both have a life span of four to eight months and are
replaced continuously by the neural stem cells that scientists have come to call olfactory
ensheathing cells to differentiate them from other stem cells. They promote neuron survival
and axon extension.

More than this, olfactory ensheathing cells assist in innate immunity because they are
phagocytic and, as such, ingest bacteria. They are thus a crucial part of the protection provided
to the brain by the immune system.

Last but not least, and most extraordinarily, research shows that once the olfactory ensheathing
cells lose their ability to regenerate the chance of dying within five years is four times higher
in adults 57 to 85 years old. “Olfactory function is thus one of the strongest predictors of 5-
year mortality and may serve as a bellwether for slowed cellular regeneration or as a marker
of cumulative toxic environmental exposures.”
A damaged olfactory nerve is to the brain what a damaged gate is
to a citadel, a wide-open entryway for attacks by pathogens. The
area of the face that encompasses the nose and the tips of the mouth
is at the best of times the most vulnerable part of the body as far as
infections are concerned, so much so that it has come to be known
as the triangle of death. With the immune defenses down and the
gate to the brain wide open, it becomes that much more vulnerable,
so much so that popping a pimple, plucking a nose hair or even
scratching the inner lining of the nose while nose picking can
trigger bacterial infections that affect the brain and can become
The PCR tests, therefore, serve
two important roles for the
depopulation program. In the
short-term, by repeatedly
damaging the olfactory nerve
with nasal swabs the incidence
of viral and bacterial infections
is rapidly raised and this helps
governments create and sustain
the impression of a pandemic.
Statistics show this positive
correlation clearly, for the
more people are tested the
more people are damaged and
left defenseless against various
infections that are then
mislabeled en masse as Covid infections by simply raising the number of cycles in the thermal
cycler until the authorities get the percentage of positive results they want.

And in the long-term, by periodically
damaging the olfactory nerve it will
lose its ability to regenerate and this
helps governments prematurely kill
countless people ages 57 to 85, the
very age groups governments of the
developed world want dead to ease the
old-age burden and prevent economic
It shouldn’t be forgotten that the
current inverted population pyramids
of the countries of the developed world
cannot be brought to a stable structure, let alone reduced to sustainability, without prematurely
killing those making up the wings of the population pyramid to stabilize the population before
the old-age burden leads to economic collapse.
As it is, every country of the developed world, but especially those in Europe and Japan, have
populations that are too old to be economically feasible and too large to be environmentally
sustainable. The median age in the EU is 44 years and in Japan it is 48 years.

These are countries of old people that will only get older and will inevitable collapse
financially. The EU will have a median age of 50 by 2050 and Japan of 53. Who will take
care of the old when they make up 60% of the population and who will pay their pensions and
medical costs? These are problems humanity has never faced before.

As for sustainability, the Overshoot Index shows that 114 out of 187 countries have
unsustainable populations and that the world itself can sustain only 60% of the current
population. Moreover, Earth Overshoot Day, which “marks the date when humanity’s demand
for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what Earth can regenerate in
that year” shows that the ecological footprint of most countries exceed the Earth’s biocapacity
long before the end of the year and as such these countries destroy the ability of future
generations to live on Earth.

Not only is overpopulation a

threat to the survival of future
generations it is also a threat to the
survival of current generations.
Nearly eight billion people are
vying for the same limited
resources and the slice of the pie
is getting thinner for every one of
us from year to year while
mankind ads one billion people to
the existing global population
every twelve years.

Now back to the PCR tests and their role in the international system’s plan to reduce the global
population to sustainability before it is too late.
Some will argue that if a nasopharyngeal swab test is performed properly, thus at an angle of
no more than 30 degrees from the horizontal, it shouldn’t touch the olfactory nerve.

However, if performed at an angle within 30 degrees from the horizontal the swab can touch
the trigeminal nerve, which would affect the sense of taste and even sight.

Moreover, to damage the sense of smell and/or taste the swab need not harm either the olfactory
or the trigeminal nerves, it need only irritate the mucosa of the nasopharyngeal cavity, since
the two are closely interrelated, which would also affect the entire limbic system.

This would explain why so-called Covid patients experience loss of function in the entire gamut
of behavioral and emotional responses controlled by the limbic system: sleep, fatigue,
cognition, orientation, movement, memory, etc.
The mucosa of the nasopharyngeal cavity is
damaged irrespective of the angle at which the
swab is inserted at so long as it is inserted as
deeply and rotated as vigorously as required
by the PCR testing procedure, especially
when the swabs are designed to do as much
damage as possible by having serrated tips
capable of scratching and damaging as much
epithelium as possible.
Having increased people’s vulnerability to infection by irritating the mucosa of the
nasopharyngeal cavity or by damaging the olfactory and trigeminal nerves, the planners of the
depopulation strategy have also devised means to increase the number of pathogens as well as
the amount of chemicals and neurotoxins that reach the brain.

By mandating mask wearing indoors and outdoors, knowing that exhaled air contains numerous
bacteria and viruses, the planners are subjecting billions of people to inhale pathogens that the
body exhaled from the respiratory tract, which is always colonized with disease organisms, into
the nasopharyngeal cavity and from there straight into the brain via the damaged olfactory or
trigeminal nerve entry points.
Hundreds of studies show that the inside of surgical masks contain greatly increased loads of
bacteria and fungi after prolonged wearing and are a source of contamination not only for those
wearing them but also for those around them.
The latest and most comprehensive study has found that mask wearing by the general
population leads to:
“…changes in respiratory physiology of mask wearers with significant correlation of O2 drop
and fatigue (p < 0.05), a clustered co-occurrence of respiratory impairment and O2 drop
(67%), N95 mask and CO2 rise (82%), N95 mask and O2 drop (72%), N95 mask and headache
(60%), respiratory impairment and temperature rise (88%), but also temperature rise and
moisture (100%) under the masks. Extended mask-wearing by the general population could
lead to relevant effects and consequences in many medical fields.”
Moreover, study after study has found that face masks “are not able to completely block the
transmission of virus droplets/aerosols even when completely sealed” and are therefore
ineffective in preventing the spread of infections.
The system is well too familiar with both these facts and it is mandating mask wearing at all
times to intentionally cause respiratory problems it can then falsely attribute to a virus. And
this explains the respiratory problems attributed to Covid. Having damaged the immune
defenses of the brain and leaving it
exposed to pathogens by harming the
epithelium of the nasopharyngeal
cavity, and then subjecting the brain to
asphyxiation by depriving it of oxygen
(O2) and bombarding it with carbon
dioxide (CO2) the respiratory center of
the brain, which controls minute-to-
minute breathing, and that is in the
medulla oblongata, begins to
malfunction. As a result, people have
trouble breathing. The breathlessness
(dyspnoea) associated with Covid is
therefore not due to lung lesions but to
damage to neural processing, thus due
to brain damage.
To increase the incidence of brain damage, whose symptoms can then be conveniently
attributed to a relatively harmless virus of the corona family, the system is employing a third
strategy, namely subjecting the adult population to two neurotoxins. The most likely culprits
are isodecanes and mycotoxins because the former can be easily hidden in body care products
while the latter in foods and drinks (especially beer) that contain mold, but more importantly

because both can lead to loss of smell (anosmia) and taste (ageusia). The role of isodecanes in
chemosensory dysfunction is well documented as is the role of mycotoxins. Since women use
far more cosmetics than men, they would be primarily poisoned with isodecanes, while men
would be primarily poisoned with mycotoxins as they can be easily hidden in beer and men
consume far more beer than women. These delivery methods would also spare children and
teenagers since they use neither cosmetics nor drink beer. Furthermore, children and teenagers
are not primed for brain damage by being subjected to PCR tests that damage the mucosa of
their nasopharyngeal cavity and leaves their brains undefended.
While in 2020 children and teenagers were spared the trauma and damage of PCR tests, they
remained healthy and rarely if ever displayed symptoms attributed to Covid. As soon as
children and teenagers began to be subjected to PCR tests in 2021, they too began to show the
symptoms attributed to Covid, but that in fact are the result of deliberately caused brain

I have added this third method of sickening the population via neurotoxins alongside the
damage caused by the swabs used for PCR tests and the chronic respiratory damage caused by
prolonged mask wearing because people who have never subjected themselves to either PCR
tests or constant mask wearing have also fallen ill and have exhibited the same typical
symptoms attributed to Covid, including loss of smell and taste.
I am one such person and I was poisoned and sickened with neurotoxins through a physical
attack on me by, I assume, an agent of the state who sprayed an unknown mix of neurotoxins
in my face and then ran away from the scene of the crime. Within hours of this attack on me,
which happened in October of 2020, I fell ill and required three months to fully recover, though
I never stopped working and never sought medical help from anyone least of all national
medical authorities. Had this incident not occurred, I would have been unable to ascertain, let
alone confirm, that direct neurotoxic poisoning could be one of the methods used by
governments to sicken people they target for specific purposes, in my case the authorities had
hoped that by falling ill I would publicly acknowledge and therefore confirm the existence and

danger of Covid. Unfortunately for the authorities I did not do that. I gave my body the time
it needed to heal and six months later I published a post that detailed the entire incident. Shortly
after, I was shut out of my Facebook, Academia and Medium accounts.
But the system has not limited itself to just neurotoxins to increase the incidence of illness. It
is also using chemicals. Medical staff have experienced a much higher incidence of illness
attributed to Covid not because as frontline workers they come into contact with Covid more
often than the general population, but because the Battelle Memorial Institute, which is where
the plandemic is being coordinated from, has used hydrogen peroxide and a proprietary system
that was emergency authorized on 29 March 2020 to sterilize face masks so they can be reused
in hospitals and clinics throughout the medical system. This method of causing respiratory
problems in medical personnel was so effective that not even the FDA could stomach the
damage and first issued a warning to Battelle, on 7 October 2020, and eventually revoked its
authorization on 30 April 2021, by which the time the damage had been done and the system
no longer needed poisoned masks to sicken frontline workers because Covid vaccines came
into effect and the plandemic has been driven by vaccine injuries ever since.

Another chemical used by the system to cause maximum damage to the brain so as to sustain
the illusion of a pandemic is ethylene oxide, a well-known cancer-causing substance, which is
used to sterilize the PCR test swabs themselves. And since the swabs smear this mutagenic
chemical on the mucosa of the nose, which is hypersensitive, it damages our health in unknown
Finally, the general population has been subjected to an onslaught of dangerous chemicals
through hand sanitizers, whose use medical authorities have mandated for the most mundane
activities ever since the plandemic has been started. Methanol is probably the most dangerous
and most often found chemical in hand sanitizers. The FDA has a list of 75 hand sanitizers
that contain methanol and warns the public to stay away from them. It is also known to cause
metabolic acidosis, visual disturbances and neurological deficit.
To sum it all up, the coronavirus blamed for countless deaths real and imagined is a political
fiction. The symptoms attributed to Covid are caused by a deliberate three-pronged attack on
our health and lives by our own national and international authorities who:
- first, damage the epithelium of the nasopharyngeal cavity with PCR test swabs to bring
down the immune defenses that protect our brain leaving our control center exposed to
viruses, bacteria, chemicals and neurotoxins that can now get passed the blood-brain
- second, create a closed loop between the mouth and the nose, thus between outgoing
and incoming air, by forcing us to wear face masks throughout the day, in order to
subject our exposed brains to constant assault with viruses, bacteria and fungi the body
is trying to get rid of and to chronically asphyxiate our brains
- third, increase damage to the brain by subjecting us to chemicals and neurotoxins that
have no place in our environment and that could never reach the brain had they not
destroyed the blood-brain barrier
This explains, among other things:
Why the common flu has disappeared from the statistics in 2020 and health authorities attribute
to Covid the pathologies of nearly every infection on the planet.
Why children and teenagers have not fallen ill with Covid until they too became subject to
nasal swab tests.
Why as soon as PCR testing goes up the incidence of illness goes up too.
Why patients with no lung damage whatsoever experience breathing problems.
Why the pathology attributed to Covid is so wide-ranging and so far removed from any other
viral infection of the respiratory tract
Why the pandemic disappears and reappears when a government decides that its pandemic
prevention measures do not affect the summer and winter holiday season, especially in
countries that live off tourism.
Why so-called Covid patients take up to six months to be free of symptoms, which is not the
kind of damage viruses are capable of, but that can be explained by brain damage, which takes
a long time to heal.

Why in temperate countries the virus disappears in the summer while in hot countries where it
is always summer it never disappears.
Why vaccine passports are only given to people who are either vaccinated or have had positive
PCR tests, but never to those who show that they have naturally acquired antibodies since their
end goal is to kill as many of us as possible.
Why there is no pharmacological treatment for Covid, since there is no Covid, and repeated
trauma to parts of the body that are crucial to the body’s immune defenses and to brain health
cannot be healed with drugs.
Why at the beginning of the plandemic the hospitals were empty and medical staff were sent
home or trained to do choreographed dances, but shortly after PCR testing began the hospitals
And why governments continue to insist on subjecting as many people as possible as often as
possible to an intrusive medical test that can be easily done by analyzing saliva.
To solve the demographic and environmental problems we face, governments have decided,
and the Vatican has approved, that henceforth no one shall die of natural causes and that the
only choice the people have is whether to die by vaccine or by PCR test.


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