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Pendeteksian bahan beracun dan berbahaya pada produk pangan yang beredar masih sulit

dilakukan, seperti halnya untuk mendeteksi bahan pengawet, pengenyal, pewarna , dan sebagainya.
Umumnya hanya dilakukan oleh petugas pemerintahan yang bertanggung jawab untuk mengontrol
kondisi produk pangan yang beredar dipasar.

Penelitian sebelumnya telah banyak dikaji mengenai bangaimana mendeteksi bahan tambahan
pangan berbahaya, salah satunya adalah detektor formalin dengan menggunakan e-nose. Namun
sejauh ini masih sedikit riset mengenai detektor senyawa berbahaya lain pada makanan yang
berbasis e-nose

ke 36.


I would like to say thank you for coming to my presentation. It’s great
to see you all.
I would like to present our journal entitled
Detection of toxic and hazardous matrials in circulating market food products is still difficult to do, as
is the detection of preservatives, elastics, dyes, and so on. Generally only carried out by government
officials who are responsible for controlling the condition of food products circulating in the market.

Many previous studies have studied how to detect hazardous food additives, one of which is a
formalin detector using an e-nose. But so far there is still little research on other harmful compound
detectors in food based on e-nose

Therefore, we conducted research on the potential of several types of e-nose to detect other
compounds, besides formalin, namely borax, rhodamine b, and sodium disulfite compounds. The
types of sensors we use consist of gas sensors MQ-2, MQ-3, MQ-4, MQ-7, and MQ-9, where these
sensors are relatively easy to obtain and the price of the sensor is relatively cheap.
The results showed that the analog sensor data readings were not so able to show the different
values of each concentration of the compound used, either in borax, rhodamine b, or sodium
disulfite compounds. At the time of this observation there was a problem with the sensor shutting
down because the jumper cable was not well connected, resulting in a spike in the observation data.

We also performed a PCA procedure to classify what sensor had the most effect on the difference in
the concentration of each compound, and the results showed that for detecting borax the gas sensor
that had the most effect was MQ-7, especially at the 8th second reading, on the compound
rhodamine b the sensor was the most influential is MQ-9, especially on the 188th second reading,
and the most influential sodium disulfite sensor compound is MQ-7, especially on the 36th second

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