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Using Technology and Feedback to Increase Fluency

Date: 11/8/21 Grade/Name: 1st/Mershon

Topic: Addition within 20
Lesson Objective:
Students will use the feedback on Xtra Math for 10 days to keep track of their math fact fluency and
meet the goal of fluently adding within 10 by completing over 70% of the assigned math facts on the

CSTP Focus:
4.2: Establishing and articulating goals for student learning
5.2: Collecting and analyzing assessment data from a variety of sources to inform instruction.

Opening: In this series of lessons, I will open by reviewing the addition strategies we’ve learned
this year on an anchor chart that I previously created. After reviewing the chart, I’ll conduct a Math
Talk. I will have an addition problem written on an anchor chart and then have students share
strategies to solve it. They will walk us through each step of the strategy and I will add it to the chart
as we go.

Body: I will tell students that we will be using Xtra Math to help us improve our addition fluency,
and as tool to track our progress. I will model how to use the program. Then, I will show them the
progress chart and how to fill it out. I will explain how we will use the chart each day to track our
progress. Students will then use the program for about 5 minutes. As they finish, I will come around
and help them fill out their own chart. We will use the feedback from Xtra Math to complete their
charts. Each day after the initial lesson, I will remind students of how to use the program and how to
use their charts at the end of their practice to highlight their growth. Students will also look at which
problems they need to practice more during our independent practice time.

Closing: After I meet with each student to complete their charts, students will put their progress
matrix in their class folders so that they can access them the next day. They will also be able to access
the charts so they can see what problems they need to practice.

Assessment: I will track student progress on Xtra Math, where I can see their accuracy and speed.

EL Student:
I will ensure that the this student has access to addition strategies while completing Xtra Math, such
as using “counting on,” using number line, or “making a ten.” I will provide her with a chart that is
similar to the anchor chart that I created for the class, but with visual models of the strategies. I will
also ensure that she has math manipulatives accessible while she completes her math fact practice.

IEP Student:
Student is able to accurately add within 10 using visual models or by counting. The process is slow,
despite being mostly accurate. I will provide a chart to this student that includes a list of strategies
with pictures to remind student to use strategies beyond counting on fingers each time they add a

Focus Student:
I have been working on the “counting on” strategy with this student. This has improved this student’s
accuracy and speed. I will give this student a Counting On chart with pictures that show, circling the
bigger number, and counting on fingers starting with the bigger number.

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