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Assalam-o-Alaikum and Good Morning!

I am Areeba Kashif from Grade 10C- Jasmine. I am here to share with you an
achievement every must be proud of. A French writer and moralist Luc de
Clapiers stated,

[I quote] “The greatest achievement of the human spirit is to live up to one's

opportunities and make the most of one's resources.” [Unquote]

Keeping up with BSS-Wah’s Herculean efforts to facilitate and make the students
stand out proudly in all walks of life we have another feather in our cap.

To begin with, Fatima Malik, an A-levels student, has been admitted this year on a
full scholarship to the Kennedy-Lugar Exchange Program (YES) in the United
States, which covers tuition, travel expenses, and lodging. This is a highly
competitive programme, with thousands of students applying, but only 20 students
from Pakistan have been chosen, and our student is one of them. Alhamdulillah!

Not only Fatima Malik, but we also have the success story of our brilliant student
Hamza Keyani, who was accepted into Brunel University in London on a full
scholarship to study aeronautical engineering. Not forgetting to mention that he
was the only Beaconite among thousands of others in Pakistan who applied in
Brunel University, however, BSS Wah bagged this honour with immense pride.
Ladies and Gentlemen!

Winston Churchill said,

[I quote] “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue
that counts.” [Unquote]

May Allah bless the students with upcoming endeavors and exams in life. And
may BSS-Wah keeps steering and turn new leaves in future. Ameen!

Thank you!

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