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Speaker 1: Okay, let's talk about your story. Again, if you follow me or follow Tony, you've heard
this before, so let it be a refresher. You know, I go and join Masterminds sometimes just
for them to be high costing reminder services.

Speaker 1: How often do you have to work out to be in good shape? Every day. How often do you
have to work on your personal growth? Every day. How often do you have to work on
your mindset and move forward? Every single day. How often do you have to look at
your goals and where it is you want to be in your compelling future? Every day.

Speaker 1: I can't go to the gym and work out like an animal for four days straight and then expect
to look great for a year. So, I wanna encourage you today. Wherever you are, you need
a new story to get from where you are to where you wanna go. It's as simple as that.
When I look back at what held me back from going faster than I already did is when I got
stuck on a story.

Speaker 1: The story that got you out of Egypt is not necessarily the story that will take you to the
Promised Land. So, we have to learn this process. We have to understand what our
subconscious feeds off of. And subconscious, again, there's that inner villain that is in
there grabbing that and there's the inner hero.

Speaker 1: We need to make sure the inner villain gets choked and gets no information, doesn't get
the news, doesn't take the negative feedback from people, doesn't take the bad advice,
doesn't say, "See, you're weak at that part. We can't do that." We have to choke the,
the, the, the knowledge or information that's going to the inner villain, and we have to
empower the inner hero with the tools and the capabilities and the inspiration and the
mindset to take over and be in control of your life.

Speaker 1: So, let's just talk about your story. Again, think of it this way. Wherever you are, if you're
in a situation that you hate, the story's holding you back. If you're doing pretty good,
wanna go the next level, a story's slowing you down from getting there. So, there's no
one immune to this, so let's go through this process.

Speaker 1: If you think about our inner story, right, if I was, I said before, if you are gonna make a
million bucks extra over the next year, but. Those stories, the but, I can't, because, they
come from a lot of reasons. They come from past experiences. They come from failures
in your life, uh, so-called failures that you didn't recognize as the stepping stone, as the
success tax that you need to pay to go to your next level, but there's certain events in
your life.

Speaker 1: I mean, think about this. Um, get out of the money thing, let's talk about a relationship.
I'm thinking of someone right now. Was in a relationship, the man was a jackass, for lack
of a better word, and he cheated. He was unfaithful, and more than once. When she
found out, it hurt so bad. I'm talking 15 years ago, it hurt so bad and I feel so bad.

Speaker 1: I'm not, I'm not, take it, making light of this. It's a terrible feeling when you least expect
it. But because of that event, and because of that inner villain taking that knowledge, an

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inner villain being in control, it just men- meant that her story was you can't trust men
anymore. They're all bad.

Speaker 1: 15 years later, that same story still lives inside of her. It's not allowing her to learn from
that and say "What, what could I have done to prevent it? If I couldn't have done
anything, why, what could I do to attract the right kind of person, find someone with the
right core values as I do?" Learn to not move as fast or move differently, or find people
in a different area.

Speaker 1: Like, there's so many great things for that story but when you let the inner villain win,
he's like, "No, no. Shut up, hero. We're just gonna say, 'Men suck, and I'm gonna stay
alone forever and prove that.'" That's the kind of thing that anchors in a story. And man,
you can get in a loop that can last six weeks, six months, six years, or 16 years, right?

Speaker 1: Then, what that kind of leads into that story is, who's to blame? It could be an
individual. Then you go even broader, it could be men. It could be our society, it could
be our leadership. Like, you start going bigger and bigger and you find this way to

Speaker 1: Believe me, the inner villain's like, "Oh, I'm so in control. Let's blame someone else. We
should blame our parents. Hey, if we're on the train, blame our sister. She was always
mean to me. Blame my first boyfriend. That guy was a douche."

Speaker 1: Like, I'm not trying to make light of it. I'm not trying to make h- light of, of hard pieces.
I'm just trying to shock you a little bit to realize that there's a story living inside of you.
That is the thing that's holding you back, right?

Speaker 1: So, how do we bust this story? The, the, the accumulation of all the outer influences?
The accumulation of past experiences that the inner villain is feeding? Accumulation of
who's to blame? How do we start re-crafting that story to become bulletproof? To
master your mindset? To pray to unstoppable mindset, whatever it is you wanna call it?

Speaker 1: Because, we wanna propel you right into the training that will change the world, change
your life, change the way you feel on a daily basis. I mean, we get the opportunity to to
this. You have everything you need. We just gotta anchor this in.

Speaker 1: So, how do we change that story? Again, you're doing 10 million, you wanna go to 100,
you need need a new story, right? You, if you're doing 50 pounds at the gym, you wanna
go to 100, you need new workout regiment, right? We need a new story. You wanna go
from the job that everybody thinks you're pretty successful in but you know it's not
fulfilling your soul. How do you transition out of that smartly? New story. How do you
start the new business? New story. Scale the business? New story.

Speaker 1: Okay? Yeah, I've hammered that home on purpose. So, let's start this transition. How do
we change that story? First off, let me just ask you, and really think about this. The story
that you have: don't have time, not smart enough, in a job that takes all of my time,
hard to juggle all the pieces, husband or wife doesn't support me, parents don't think,
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living in the wrong area, wrong time, uh, technology's too confusing. It's overwhelming,
it's over my head.

Speaker 1: Again, not knocking you. Be honest. All change starts when you're honest with yourself.
What is the current story? Now, think of that story and look backwards, and this is the
part that really...

Speaker 1: I want you to get mad at the inner villain, okay? So on a piece of paper or whatever
you're working on right now, in your journal, I wanna write you, I want you to write
down what has that story cost you to this point in your life? What has it cost you?

Speaker 1: I remember, and I say this generically, but I remember a specific story where, uh, it was
probably 10, 12 years ago, someone had come up with an invention, an idea that they
wanted to put on TV. And I remember the story like it was yesterday. I've been telling it
for years, but put yourself in these shoes. I guarantee, this fits you in some way, shape,
or form.

Speaker 1: So, have an idea. It's like, "Oh, my God. I have this idea. It helps moms go to a whole
nother level. New moms, this is the greatest idea in the world." And when he started
telling people he knew, they said things like, you know, asking for advice, and they were
bad advice, most costly, asking the wrong people. Inner, uh, self-doubt, uh, inner, uh,
weakness that they think needs this strong grounds.

Speaker 1: It's like, "Oh, you don't know anything about patents. You can't do that without a
patent. People will steal it. Do you know how to get a patent?" Oh, inner weakness, not
so much. Right? Um, oh, "The only way you're gonna sale is you gotta get it on TV. Do
you know how to do an infomercial? Do you have millions of dollars to make it real? No.
And listen, if it was good idea, people would already be doing it. You think you're
originally think, thought of something no one else can do?"

Speaker 1: After hearing all these little pieces, I watched as he was very confident about getting this
out to the world, and it just shrunk and shrunk and shrunk and shrunk until finally he
said, "Well, maybe it's not that great idea." And then, guess what happened two years
later? That product was out in the world, on TV, all over, making somebody else
wealthy, helping people out with this product.

Speaker 1: What was the difference? Why did that other person did it? That other person had a
different story. And in your head, you go, "Well, they probably had a lot of money. They
probably knew trademarks. They probably had this..."

Speaker 1: No. People who want to succeed don't have resources in most cases. They have one
thing that's more important that Tony hammers home. They have resourcefulness.
When you have the right story, do you understand? When you have the right story,
when your inner hero's in charge, when your confidence is at its peak, when your state
of mind is different, you don't need people to support you. You don't need money, you
don't need to live in the perfect area. You don't need a perfect background. You don't
need to know technology. You don't need your husband cheerleading you every day.
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Speaker 1: You need resourcefulness. Resourcefulness is the answer to all solutions.

Resourcefulness is what's made everything change in the world. Think of your favorite
heroes. Think of George Washington, if you're in the United States, or Abraham Lincoln,
or Martin Luther King, or Mother Teresa, or Michael Jordan, or, uh, LeBron James,
anybody that you could think about. If you dig into their life, they were resourceful and
they had a different story than the person next to time.

Speaker 1: What makes two people completely, that have the same intelligence, go to the same
school, have the same background, the same income, what makes one person change
the world, impact the world and go to the highest level possible? And, what makes one
person stay low and say, "That's not for me. It won't work. That's for other people"?

Speaker 1: Simply the story they told themselves. And this is the stuff I've used to empower myself,
stuff that I've learned through Tony Robbins, and Jim Rohn, and Eckhart Tolle, Deepak
Chopra. And, and all the oldies and goodies like Dale Carnegie, and Earl Nightingale, and,
and Napoleon Hill, those, those essence of foundational success come from these words
that've been practiced by the most successful people ever.

Speaker 1: You've already heard this. You know most of it. Today, I'm encouraging you to make this
a part of you because you need that state of mind. You need that confidence. So, what
has your story cost you already? Have you ever felt like the person who came up with an
idea, you told people, you played small, you thought about starting your own business
but your co-workers told you, "You should be grateful for the job you have," and you
played small.

Speaker 1: When you started the company but you really didn't go all in, you didn't, as Tony says,
burn the boats. You kind of dabbled, you stuck your foot in the water and said, "Nope, it
is not working." It's because you had the wrong story. So, what is that story? It's time to
get mad at that story.

Speaker 1: And f- write down. Seriously, stop the video. What has that story cost you up until
today? Now, let's go to the other side. It's cost you all of this. Now, I want you to think
about, "What is that story, if you keep it, going to cost you moving forward?" Imagine
that story, whatever it is, uh, "I would do this but I'm really busy and my husband
doesn't support me." How that, how's hat story feel right now?

Speaker 1: Right now, when you look in the mirror, if you could turn towards a mirror right now or
turn your phone on and look in the camera and say, "I'm not living the life I want," and
say the story. Seriously, I- I'm just, I'm winging this right now, but I've done this in the
mirror. So in either in a mirror, or on your phone, look and say, "I'm not living the life I
want. I'm not making the impact on the world I want because," and then say your story,
"because my husband doesn't support me and the time is really tough."

Speaker 1: If that feels shitty now, how's that going to feel in five years from now when you say
that same story? "I'm still in that same place except worse. I'm even unhappier. I don't
have the joy on the level I should. I haven't impacted the world. I got a great course and
I didn't do it because my husband doesn't support me, and I'm not, and I'm too busy."
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Speaker 1: How's that story gonna feel in five years when nothing changed? You know how fast the
last fives went by? How fast are the next five going to go by? Like that. Are you gonna
let that story hold you back from being the greatest version of you to tapping into your
full potential?

Speaker 1: Now, I want you to think, "What's that story gonna feel like in 10 years from now?"
When you look in your phone and go, "Oh, my God." A lot more wrinkles, maybe a few
grays. For us dudes, hair receding, another extra 10 pounds around the belly, and you're
saying, "I could do this but."

Speaker 1: Are you going to give that story that much power? Are you going to let your
subconscious take in all these negative outside influences, feed the inner villain, and
you're going to let the inner villain go, "I'm winning. I'm winning, I got this. They're not
doing crap. They're gonna stay in that job, they're not going to scale the company. They
feel really happy with the okay life they got. In fact, they even think they got a good life,
but ain't going to outstanding, not with me in charge"?

Speaker 1: Are you gonna let that happen? How bad do you wanna change that story? Let me tell
you a few things. As we evolve, this is what we're doing. We're changing the story. The
next thing I want you to do is prove the story is a lie. It's a lie. Go Google someone who's
had the same experience as you have. Don't have the great education? Go check out
John Paul DeJoria or Richard Branson.

Speaker 1: See their story and what they've done. John Paul DeJoria was completely broke at 20-
something years old. His wife handed them their two-year-old baby and said, "You're
getting evicted out of the apartment, I'm leaving." He lived in a car with his child selling
encyclopedias door to doorway. He had this dream of selling hair products, Paul
Mitchell. Then, he had a dream of making higher end tequila, Patron, and one of the
richest men alive.

Speaker 1: Find his story. Find someone else's. There's so many incredible stories that can inspire
you to know that your story is BS. Find... Arianna Huffington at 50 years old start
Huffington Post, sells it to AOL for, what, 300 million dollars or something crazy like that.
Find someone who has your back, has your similar background. No school, or three kids,
or a single mom, or a dad trying to figure it out, or in a job that keeping, sucking your life

Speaker 1: Find someone who's been there, and see their evolution. You know what they changed
that you might not have yet on another level? It's their story. They decided, they
created a compelling future, they didn't let the inner villain win, they fed their inner
hero, and they became resourceful as hell. And when people told them they couldn't, it
was fuel. When the carpet got pulled out of from underneath them, it was fuel. It wasn't
proof that wasn't, didn't work. It was just proof that that didn't work, but I'm gonna be
resourceful and find the next thing that works.

Speaker 1: I got the last piece that I think will really anchor in the desire for you to shift this story.
Let's pretend it's the end of your life and you're sitting with God, or your maker.
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Whoever believe, you believe your maker is. Your seeking next to God, he says, "Hey,
come take a seat." You're, like, nervous, you sit down and he says, "Okay. So, tell me
about your life."

Speaker 1: "Okay, it was, it was good, you know?" Uh, and you tell him about your kids and your
family or your life, or whatever it is you experienced and the things you loved to do. He
said, "So, did you really go after it? Like, you know?" "God, I was gonna, but," and you
tell God your story, "but, you know, my husband was never that supportive of me," or "I
wasn't really good with technology," or "I lived while there's this crazy government
going on and the president," and all this stuff, or "You know, I was a little dyslexic," or
"You know, my parents didn't really love me."

Speaker 1: Could you imagine what your maker would say? I think God would be like, "Oh, my God.
Not another one. Did you just hear yourself? Excuse me, ca- did you just hear yourself? I
made you human. I put you on Earth, I gave you free will, I gave you a brain, I gave you
the limitless possibilities. You know what held you back? Not anything I put on this
Earth. What held you back was the story you told yourself on why you couldn't achieve
it. Oh, my God. Sorry, this is your last chance."

Speaker 1: Still loves you, gives you a kiss, and you move on and you're walking away going, "Are
you kidding me? Uh, this is my last chance I missed it because that damn story? No, no,
no. I want, let me go back. Can I do it again?" You'd run back to God say, "Can I have
another shot? I'll change the story." Like, "No, I love you. Spend the rest of your time in
heaven, but while you're on Earth, you missed it."

Speaker 1: I think about those things. I think about those things because the only thing standing
between me and my next level life is the story I tell myself that I can or I can't. I feed the
inner villain or I feed the inner hero. It's time to awaken the inner hero and let him or
her be in charge. Let that voice of, "I can do this," that voice of, "This is our new future,"
this voice, "I don't care what anybody else says." Let that voice take ownership as of
today. Have that voice carry you through this course not saying, "Could I, should I?" Say,
"I will, and I must."

Speaker 1: That's the difference between living a life well spent, a life where you squeezed every
bit of juice, a life where you get to sit next to your maker, sit next to God and go, "Oh,
man. I failed miserably a few times, but I got up and I did it again. I failed again, but I got
up and I did it again. And let me tell you what else I did. My friends said I was nuts, my
family said I was nuts. I didn't have anything, but I got resourceful and I had the story.
And those bad days? They sucked, but the good days were so good, and I got to live life
on fire."

Speaker 1: That's what Tony and I wish for you. That's what we desire for you. That's our passion,
our soul, and our heart, and that's what this section is all about. You got Tony, you got
the best in the world lighting you up to create an unstoppable mindset. But I wanted to
jump in here and just give you one of the tools that I've used to go from that kid who
had dyslexia, who barely got out of high school, who's seventh grade teacher told him

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he was dumb, who's people in, in my town thought I was a dreamer and I need to get
more realistic.

Speaker 1: They were wrong. And through finding another level of confidence, through changing
my state of mind, through not feeding the inner villain anymore and working my whole
life to feed the inner hero, to shifting the story, to not letting it hold me down, it's
allowed me to have another level of confidence, the ability to change my state of mind
in a moment, and allowed me to do things I never thought were possible, and that's
exactly what we hope for you.

Speaker 1: Tony and I are so happy you're here with us. This is just the beginning. You're a part of
the greatest course that exists today, and there are absolutely no limits.

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