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I am Maria Alejandra Burbano Diaz. I am Colombian.

I am from Puerto ASIS –

Putumayo. I am still a student. I speak Spanish. I am 20 years old. I like to play
soccer and read. I don’t like to cook. I am a business administration student.
I get up at 6 am. I get ready to go to work, I do not have breakfast, I only drink
coffee, I go out on my motorcycle to my work. I study virtual at night, I enter the
platform of my university and solve my tasks. Then I organize the pending
activities for the next day. I live in the Agua Negra 2 village in Puerto Asis. At
home I like to help my mother with her daily homework in my free time. After I
help at home I watch TV even in the short time that I have free I like to go to
sleep early when possible. After homework I watch TV or go to sleep, on
weekends I go somewhere away from home. In the evenings, after I get home
from work, I do homework, watch TV or go to play soccer.

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