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Why do certain things make people laugh?

Most of the time we don't laugh for a joke, we do it because laughter

has an important social role. It helps to maintain social bonds; laughter
has become a way to improve connection in societies.
What are some of things that make you laugh?
It may sound a bit unfriendly, but other people's misfortunes make me
laugh. If someone falls down in the street, or if some kid throws a
tantrum and his mother doesn't know what to do.
Do you think laughing has many benefits to your health?
Yes, I believe that laughing helps us to release tension. The simple fact
of being happy is soothing, if you feel bad and someone makes you
laugh you forget everything, including the pain.
When do you think a joke crosses the line?
Jokes are funny as long as you respect the person, an offensive or
discriminatory joke that may make others feel bad crosses the line.
When making jokes we should consider the feelings of others and how
we would feel.
Have you ever played a practical joke on someone? What was
the joke and what happened?
Yes, to my best friend. We were at school and decided with some other
friends to play a prank on him. We were coming back from sport class,
me and my friend put all my best friend's stuff in his backpack to take it
to the girls' bathroom while another one of our friends entertained him
outside the classroom. One of the girls helped us get the backpack into
the girls' bathroom. When my friend walked into the classroom and
didn't find his backpack he immediately became suspicious of us. He
went out to look for it and when he didn't find it, he got a little upset
and asked us where it was, we headed to the boys' bathroom. He
understood the reference and saw his backpack inside the girl’s
bathroom, very embarrassed, he was looking for his backpack while
saying, “Sorry girls I'm just coming to pick up my backpack". All the
girls made fun of him and so did we. My best friend at the end thought it
was funny too, but he promised he would get revenge.

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