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tourist places in thailand

Chiang Mai is home to

many spiritual centers in
Thailand, if you are looking
for an encounter with
yourself. You will also find
excellent massage parlors,
Thai cooking courses, and


Sukhothai is a province with

important historical sites,
beautiful mountains, and
forests. Sukhothai Historical
Park and Si Satchanalai
Historical Park are two
destinations not to be
missed, belonging to the
UNESCO World Heritage Site
that preserves vestiges of
the Sukhothai Kingdom
from the 12th to the 14th
Similan Islands

an impressive marine park

famous for diving. home to
limestone mountains
covered with the lush green
of tropical plants, pristine
beaches with fine white
sands and clear turquoise
waters, an abundance of sea
creatures and spectacular
coral reefs


represents 400 years of the

golden past of the Kingdom of
Siam. It remained the capital of
Thailand until 1767.

these historic ruins that are

recognized as a UNESCO World
Heritage Site on a day trip from
Wat Rong Khun

a Buddhist temple famous for

its ivory color and ornate,
detailed sculptures, but stick
around for the laid-back

The structure is open all year

round. Entry for Thai citizens
is free, foreigners must pay
100 baht. Donations


a city of contrasts with its

sanctuaries and its vibrant
street life. The rich culture
and heritage of the Kingdom
of Siam can be felt along the
Chao Pyra River as you visit
the dazzling golden temples
of the Grand Palace

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