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Nama : Sandi Prawira

NPP : 32.0046

Kelas/No.absen : H-1/03

Contoh kalimat compound sentence

1. The government’s U-turn came after the World Health Organization (WHO) cautioned
that individually paid vaccination schemes could pose ethical issues and hamper efforts to
guarantee equal access to vaccines.
- Because that sentence have conjunction that conjunction is and.
2. The national vaccination campaign, conducted by the government, and the business-funded
Gotong Royong scheme, which allows private and state-owned companies to purchase
vaccine supplies from the government to inoculate workers and their family members. Both
programs are free of charge for the participants.
- Because have a conjunction is and
3. Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung confirmed on Friday that the government had
scrapped plans to allow self-funded inoculation under the Gotong Royong scheme, an
expansion of the program that had elicited strong criticism from the public and civil society
- because this sentence has more than 1 sentence and consists of a subject and a verb and
has a conjunction, namely “for”
4. After taking public feedback and responses into consideration, [President Joko
‘Jokowi’ Widodo] has firmly instructed that the [individually] paid vaccination plan, which
was previously set to be distributed through [state-owned pharmaceutical company] PT
Kimia Farma, be cancelled,” Pramono said in a statement uploaded to the Presidential
Secretariat’s YouTube account on Friday.
- : because this sentence has more than 1 sentence and consists of a subject and a verb and
has conjunctions namely “for” and “and”.

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