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Where does the dialogue take place?

A. On the stage
B. On the audience seats
C. At the backstage
D. At a studio
Kunci : C
Pembahasan: Di bagian awal teks kita bias
melihat bahwa settingan dialog ini terjadi
di backstage.
“I’ve felt sick since this morning”
The above sentence means … .
A. to describe the experience
B. to talk about change that has happened over a period
of time.
C. to show that something started in the past and has
continued up until now
D. to talk about several different actions which have
occurred in the past at different times
Kunci : C
Melalui ucapan tersebut, tom ingin
menyampaikan bahwa dia sudah sakit
sejak tadi pagi. Maka jawaban yang paling
tepat adalah C.
“You’ve rehearsed many times”
The above sentence means … .
A. to describe the experience
B. to talk about change that has happened over a period
of time.
C. to show that something started in the past and has
continued up until now
D. to talk about several different actions which have
occurred in the past at different times
Kunci : D
Pembahasan: Sutradara berupaya untuk
menenangkan Tom dengan mengucapkan
bahwa Tom sudah beberapa kali
melakukan latihan sebelumnya. Maka
kalimat tersebut merujuk pada aksi yang
sudah beberapa kali terjadi dimasa
Mom : You look pale. Have you eaten anything
Me : I ate hotdog last night.
Mom : I mean today, have you got something to
Me : No, Mom.
Mom : Don’t you remember what I’ve told you
thousand times!? Don’t ever skip breakfast.
It’s important to start your day!
Me : I know, I know…
Mom : I’ll prepare the chicken and potato. I don’t
want you to faint. Clean yourself!
Me : All right. I’m going to take a bath.

Why does her mom get angry? Because…

A. he forgets to take a bath
B. he forgets to eat chicken
C. he forgets what he has done last night
D. he forgets what his mom has told him
Kunci :D
Pembahasan: Ibunya marah karena sudah
berulang kali mengingatkan untuk tidak
melupakan sarapan, namun anaknya selalu
Read the following text to answer questions 4 to 5
Mom : You look pale. Have you eaten anything
Me : I ate hotdog last night.
Mom : I mean today, have you got something to
Me : No, Mom.
Mom : Don’t you remember what I’ve told you
thousand times!? Don’t ever skip breakfast.
It’s important to start your day!
Me : I know, I know…
Mom : I’ll prepare the chicken and potato. I don’t
want you to faint. Clean yourself!
Me : All right. I’m going to take a bath.

What can we learn from the text?

A. Hotdog is the his favorite meal
B. It is very important to have breakfast every day
C. Don’t skip your dinner
D. The writer and her/his mother live
Kunci :B
Jelas sekali pada dialog nya ibu berkata
“brakfast is important to start your day.

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