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Zambia Meeting Friday April 29th

1. Zambia Teachers’ Dinner was moved until fall 2011 because Mr Powers and Mrs Galley
explained that the teachers were to busy this time of the year. We will keep the planning
that we have done so far and use it this fall.

2. We watched Adhitya’s advertisement movie for the Pen Sale.

3. Giovanna told the group how many students the Zambia Group supported in Zambia this
year. Giovanna told the group about her experiences in Zambia and meetings with
Zambian students.

4. Giovanna informed the group that she had contacted a teacher from Chinika High School
about organizing a Letter Exchange Program between students at Kungsholmens
Gymnasium and Chinika High School in Lusaka, the capital of Zambia. The teacher felt it
was a good idea and she was going to talk to her students when they return from their

5. Pen Sale was moved until the first week of school this fall. It will be called Back 2 School
Pen Sale. We decided to move it after a vote (6 for having it now, 8 for moving It to
August). It was moved because we thought that there would not be enough interest in
buying pens at this time of the year.

6. We decided to start a Zambia Group Facebook Page and start using it instead of our
Zambia Group Facebook Group. A Page is more open and a more effective way of
informing people about our work as its post are visible in the News Feed.

7. Mikael Nilsson (EN3B) showed the group the website he made for the Zambia Group. We
discussed whether we wanted to invest in buying a domain and using the website or
whether we thought that it would be better to use Tammy Lee Park’s (EN3B) word press
website ( A domain costs $11.99 for one year

8. We decided to have a Summer Ice Cream Sale week 20 this year. We will plan the sale
further at our next meeting (May 6th). We will need:

 Ice Chests in which to store the ice cream

 Ice for the Ice Chests

 Ice Cream (Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry)

 Ice Cream Cones

 A painted and decorated White Screen

 Facebook Event
 Posters

 Advertisement Movie (?)

 Zambia Group T-Shirts

9. We decided to plan a Zambia Group information meeting to attract to new members to

learn more about the association and our work.

10. We decided to plan a Zambia Group Board (2011/2012) election. To give students a
chance to become part of next years board.

11. We decided to invest in 2 or 3 money collection jars. The jars can be used during any
concerts we organize, at our bake sales to collect donations, and when members collect
money when performing in the city. One jar costs 89 KR and a lock cost 25 KR

12. We decided that we were interested in organizing a Zambia Concert in the auditorium at
the school. We are going to talk to the Synergy Group to see if they are interested and to
decide on a date. The aim of the concert would be to raise awareness about our cause
and to attract members to join the Zambia Group.

13. Giovanna, Beatrice, and Carl, will decorate the Zambia Group’s Association Board by
May 9th.

There were about 20 members present at the meeting today.

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