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seated db shoulder press 3X10

skull-crushers 3X10
superset with narrow grip bench press 3X10
db lateral raises 3X10
cable chest flyes 3X10
rear delt cable flyes 3X10
wide-grip lat pulldown 3X10
reverse grip pulldown 3X10
alternating db curls 3X10
bicycle crunches 3X25
basic crunches 3X25

leg extensions 3X10
single-leg bb squat on bench 3X10
walking bb lunges 3X10
leg press/narrow stance 3X10
stif-legged deadlifts 3X10
sumo bb squat 3X10
seated leg curl 3X10
stading calf raise 3X10
seated calf raise 3X10


Perform each exercise consecutively and then repeat
squat/wide stance to bd shoulder pres x15
db lateral raises with alternating lunges x15
stiff-legged deadlift with bb row x15
glute bridge/floor with db chest press x15
bench dips with bench crunches/tucks x15
twenty-ones/bb x15
decline push-ups/stability ball with ab tuck x15
1-minute jump rope

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