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Back in 2020,last year,where the outbreak of pandemic covid19 had started,our country decided to

implement the new normal learning,to be able to continue the learning of students even in the amidsts
of pandemic.Of course as a student who is new to this learning method,it's been a really hard challenge
for me because school works are not only my responsibilities in life,I also have to run some errands.

Last year when I was in 10th grade,every week we have learning tasks that need to be done as soon as
possible,it is really stressing,and it made anxious because of the possibilities that I might not finished it
on time,but at the end I managed to do it because of the proper management.The first thing I did is to
divide my tasks and assigned it to a specific blocks of time.secondly I made a schedule plan,on that
schedule it consists of the time of doing school works,doing some errands,and time for breaks.Then
instead of using my mobile phone for reasearching,I prefered to use books or laptop to avoid any
distraction,so that no time will be wasted.

That's why I can say having management function and theories is really helpful and important especially
in completing tasks,because it will help you to achieve your goals,without wasting any time and effort,at
the same time it will prevent you from cramming,having anxiety and stress that is usually most of us
experience,because of the lack of management.In addition,it will also help you to maintain a quality
work and have focus on the essential task and avoid time consuming distractions

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