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5 marketing trends you can’t ignore


As the world begins to recover from the effects of COVID-19, businesses are confronted with
new problems and opportunities. Due to increased competition in the industry, companies will
need to adapt and implement new marketing tactics in 2021.

You can't ignore these current marketing trends in 2021.


However, even if video and voice software has replaced many internal meetings and job
interviews since the epidemic, there are still parts of video meetings that can be utilized to
benefit your organization and its consumers. These are a few of the advantages:

Customers, both new and old, can plan meetings with your organization through video, voice,
or in person.

The meeting virtually eliminates the constraints on leads from different time zones and widens
your local area.

The use of voice and video alternatives reduces travel time, increases client preparation time,
and frees up employee time.

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It's critical now more than ever before to be able to communicate with customers and
prospects in real-time. Even when humans aren't available, AI has boosted firms' ability to
engage with their customers. Bots, also known as chat bots, and live chat software, such as
those found on many e-commerce sites, instantaneously react to customer inquiries. They
improve user reaction and customer satisfaction by increasing it. 85 percent of customer care is
now powered by chat bots, according to g2.

Your organization should offer as many contact alternatives as possible to improve your
conversion rates. Having Live Chat and Chat bots enabled on your website is critical.


In 2021, corporate community involvement and corporate social responsibility will be

highlighted. Knowing how your company's product or service affects the community is critical
to your company's online and offline image.
Businesses must give back since they have been successful because of the people in their

Collaborating with community organizations is a wonderful way to get involved and establish
relationships. Examples include teaming up with other businesses to support local events or
getting your staff to volunteer at a local charity organization.


Search engine optimization is still primarily driven by content marketing (SEO).

According to Google's John Mueller, "rather than chase the current SEO trends, it's more vital
to ensure a site has quick speeds, relevant links, and well-written content."

Eighty-eight percent of B2B content marketers feel that providing content makes their audience
see their company as a reliable and trusted resource.

Content marketing is critical if you want to establish yourself as a trustworthy authority on the
issues that matter to your current and potential customers and partners. Quality content helps
your companies build stronger ties with its customers, expand its clientele, and even boost

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Customer reviews have an indisputable impact on your business. It's a plus if your consumers
leave positive reviews on your website and social media pages, but responding and interacting
with them is a must. Unanswered unfavorable reviews might lead your firm to lose potential
clients and customers.

97 percent of buyers say reviews influence their purchasing decisions, according to research.

It's crucial to respond to both positive and negative reviews professionally. Review platforms
abound, so make sure your business is keeping tabs on them. If you don't reply to consumer
complaints, you risk alienating existing customers. Even a positive user review merits a quick,
but sincere response from your organization because the user took the time to rave about your
business and possibly bring in new clients.

You'll see a direct increase in customer happiness and profitability by implementing these
marketing trends because they'll develop customer relationships, improve SEO, and help your
firm grow.

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