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Nama : Fijar zr

Kelas : XI TKR 1

Tugas : B.Inggris


Below there will be an explanation of how to use a good and correct wrench, then go to the following

First use the correct size.

Second using the end box is better than adjusting the wrench.

the next step is to adjust the size of the wrench with the bolt.

and the last one to tighten turn it to the right so that the bolt will turn to the right to tighten it.

The same goes for the reverse direction.

Use a wrench that is the same size as the head of the bolt or nut.

Make sure you follow these steps as it is very easy to follow the steps.

TITLE: Wrench

Using introductory sentence Below there will be an explanation of how to use a

good and correct wrench, then go to the following

Using present tense First use the correct size.

Using imperative Second using the end box is better than adjusting
the wrench.

Using conjuction And the last

Using action verbs And finally to tighten turn it to the right so that the
bolt will turn to the right to tighten it. The same
goes for the reverse direction.

Conclusion sentence Make sure you follow these steps as it is very easy
to follow the steps.

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