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why do we sleep in church, but stay awake for a 3 hour movie?

Because Movie’s are entertaining and an art form meant to portray and relay emotions.
Some movie’s have messages more effective than Church.

Why is it hard to pray, but easy to cuss?

To ‘Curse’ means to wish malice or harm upon someone, each and every word has
multiple contexts in which it can be used, a word is only a curse or a swear word
depending upon how it is used in a sentence. Basic Grammar, people need to stop
judging people on words, words don’t mean Shit alone.

Why is it hard to re-post a Godly bulletin, but easy to re-post the mean ones?

Who’s interpretation of Godly? Christians? Muslims? Jews? There are so many. “Godly”
is an opinion, so in order for one to follow a perception of Godly they would, in action,
be following the Man who made the opinion. According to the Bible God is all knowing,
thus, we are not, to claim to “Know” is to, in action, claim to be God.

Why can people worship a celebrity but not God?

I would hardly call it worship, most people who take an idol are usual young and naïve,
and it is quite understandable. When such is exhibited into adulthood then the person is
obsessed or manic. Some celebrities inspire or are preferred for there talents. If one
were to praise a celebrity for a talent, in essence they are appreciative of the talent
‘God’ gave them, thus appreciative of God. This question sounds like a jealous religious
person who is offended by attention given to people,

Gonna ignore this?

Nope, gonna rip it to shreds. Real question, is my rebuttal going to be ignored?

Afraid to get laughed at?

Not capable, to sound in reason and logic.

The Lord said "If you deny me in front of your friends i will deny you in front of my
Father." Repost this if you believe in and love Jesus.
The Bible also says faith is the only way to please God, Faith is defined as Substance of
things hoped for, evidence of things unseen. I also stated Faith is dead without works.
Furthermore it is specified NOT to live neither in word nor tongue but in Deed and
Truth. Thus, faith is not claiming God, advocating God, preaching God, or anything of
the such, it is Living according to Gods supposed word. Living. What is denied is not
God, rather Religion. The pride of Religion has it that if you do not believe in that
specific religion then you are not in ordinance with God. Each and every religion claim
to “Know God”, yet none put forth action exhibiting this. Observe, malnourishment and
starvation has risen 80 million more people since 1990 and a child dies every 7 seconds
of malnourishment despite there being enough food in the world to feed double the
worlds population. Instead of this being a main focus for Church, Church instead
focuses on building their establishment up, building more churches, having more
extravagant Church services, advertising, pamphlets, and so forth. The only charity
work is in sake of appearing to be compassionate. Money is filtered through the
Christian Children’s Fund. With so many Churches you think more would be done to
help those who are without, seeing the Bibles exclaims, “Go to those who are without
honestly, in need of nothing”. Not to mention the bible exclaims, “You cannot worship
both God and Money, for you will love one and despise the other”, Think about that
next time they pass the collection plate. Furthermore, you think you are doing good,
giving tithes and offerings with that money? Would you pay someone to help someone
who fell right in front of you? By giving money you give it praise as if it is actually
helping, though, troubles are increasing despite the potential for otherwise. It is the
ignorance and misapplication of biblical knowledge that contributes to this.

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