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Nama : Sella Anggraeni Septia Wulandari

Nim : 200550013


stretch marks are stranded lines that often appear on the stomach, breasts, hips, buttocks, and
thighs. Over time, these lines become less visible. Stretch marks are very common in
pregnant women, especially in the last trimester. Treatments can make stretch marks fade, but
will not completely remove them. Stretch marks are not painful or dangerous, but some
people feel unsafe because they appear.

Signs and symptoms

Stretch marks can vary depending on how long they have appeared, what causes them, the
location of the stretch marks on the body, and the type of skin you have. Common variations

1. Linen indentations or lines on the skin

2. Pink, red, black, blue or purple Warna
3. Light streaks that fade into lighter colors
4. Stripes on the abdomen, breasts, hips, buttocks or thighs
5. Lines that cover a fairly large area of the body

How to overcome

1. Retinoid cream derived from vitamin A. When applied to the skin, the appearance of
Stretch Marks will decrease in less than a month after starting use. Tretinoin cream can
also help rebuild collagen, which can make stretch marks look more like normal skin.
However, Tretinoin can irritate the skin. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, talk to your
doctor about other treatment options, as this medicine cannot be used by pregnant and
lactating women.
2. Light and laser therapy. A variety of light and laser therapies are available to help
stimulate the skin's collagen or elastin growth. Your doctor can help determine which
technique is right for you.
3. Microdermabrasion is a type of treatment that involves hand tools that apply crystals to
the skin. These crystals gently remove the delicate layer of skin and promote the growth
of new, more elastic skin.

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