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Countable and Uncountable Nouns


Cycle: III

1. Choose a, an, some or any

a any some
a) It is dog. b) Have you got friends? c) I bought milk.
any an
d) Linda has not got pets. e) There is orange on the table.
some any
f) Tim eats cheese every day. g) We don't have bread. h) My brother
some a any
found money. i) My sister found pen. j) Do you have eggs?
some a
k) There are students in the classroom. l) Is there pencil on the desk?

3. Choose How much or How many

How much
a) cheese do you buy?

How many
b) books are there in your bag?

How many
c) films did Tom see last week?

How much
d) money do you spend every week?

How many
e) friends does Linda have?

How much
f) sugar do we need?

How many
g) tomatoes are there in the fridge?

How much
h) meat are you going to buy?

How much
i) milk did you drink yesterday?

How many
j) apples do you see?
3. Complete the dialog with your classmate and fill in: a, an, any, some.
A: Is there an cup chocolate?

B. Sorry. There’s a cup of milk, though.

A: Can I have some olives, please?

B: Sorry, there aren’t an Olives left. Would you like tomatoes instead?

A: Would you like some piece of cake?

B: No, thanks. I would rather have a meat patty,

A: Could I have an egg sandwich?

B: Sorry, there aren’t any eggs. Would you like chiken instead?

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